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Tick I.D. and General Info Bath Forestry Division

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Presentation on theme: "Tick I.D. and General Info Bath Forestry Division"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tick I.D. and General Info Bath Forestry Division

2 Ticks, Ticks, Ticks... University of Maine Cooperative Extension claims that 14 different types of ticks have been found in Maine.

3 The two most common ticks are Deer (Black Legged) ticks and Dog ticks.
Deer Ticks Dog Ticks

4 Deer ticks are known to infect animals and people with Lyme disease, Human Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, and Powassan virus.

5 A circular rash or “bull’s eye” may be observed in the vicinity of Lyme disease infected tick bites 70-80% of the time.

6 Deer ticks prefer to live in areas between the lawn and the woods where taller grasses or shrubs are present. Wood piles and along stonewalls are also areas with high tick activity.


8 Two Season Life Cycle: Year One: Eggs on the ground begin to hatch the first or second week of August. It is at this stage that the ticks receive their first blood meal and may become infected with the Lyme disease bacteria. After feeding for several days, the ticks drop off the host. They will remain dormant until the following Spring. Year two: The larvae molt into nymphs by late Spring. After another feeding, the nymphs will drop off the host and molt into adults. In late summer and through the fall, the adult ticks attach to large mammals and mate. The females will attach and feed for up to a week and lay up to 3000 eggs which will hatch the following spring.

9 Deer Ticks (Blacklegged Ticks)
Capitulum (mouth parts) Legs Dorsal Shield (Scutum) Abdomen Year One: Eggs hatch-Larva feed-molt into Nymphs The most distinguishing feature of a Deer tick is the half moon shaped abdomen. Year Two: Nymphs emerge/Feed Spring-Late Summer Adults emerge

10 Ticks do not jump, fly, or attack from tree tops!
Ticks mostly climb vegetation and await a suitable host to pass by. They then latch onto the host.

11 Reducing Risk of Exposure:
Daily Tick Checks Avoid walking ‘off trail’ Treat pets and invest in Tick tubes Tuck socks into pants or invest in ‘Tick Gaiters’ Keep areas between the lawn and woods mowed down Hire a professional to treat areas where ticks are found Treat clothing with repellents (permethrin based considered most effective)





16 Hiring a Professional Properly licensed and insured contractors may provide services to reduce local tick populations.

17 FMI Contact City Arborist

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