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Civil-Military coordination in France

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1 Civil-Military coordination in France
ACAC Civil / Military coordination seminar Rabat, September 2005

2 are separated and coordinated
In France : Civil Air Traffic Services and Military Air Traffic Services are separated and coordinated ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

3 ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

4 the Flexible Use of Airspace concept developped by EUROCONTROL
France fully adheres to : the Flexible Use of Airspace concept developped by EUROCONTROL the Single European Sky regulations issued by the European Commission which foresees the implementation of three levels of ATM coordination : * level one (strategic level) * level two (pre-tactical level) * level three (tactical or real time) ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

5 At level 1 (strategic level) :
A national civil-military body for decision and coordination called « Airspace Directorate » has been established This body is chaired jointly by the civil Director (DGAC/DAST) and by the military Director (DIRCAM) in charge of ATM regulatory domains ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

6 At level 1 (strategic level) :
A national civil-military body for decision and coordination called « Airspace Directorate » has been established This body is chaired jointly by the civil Director (DGAC/DAST) and by the military Director (DIRCAM) in charge of ATM regulatory domains ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

7 This permanent high level strategic policy body is in charge of :
At level 1 (strategic level) : This permanent high level strategic policy body is in charge of : Re-assessment of current State airspace and route structures; Planning of temporary airspace structures (TSAs, CBAs, CDRs); Establishment of negotiation procedures and priority rules in AMC; Establishment of periodical review mechanism; Evaluation of national Airspace Requirements. ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

8 At level 1 (strategic level) :
The « Airspace Directorate » is supported by four regional committees with permanent civil and military technical staff For each airspace structure agreed by the « Airspace Directorate » : * a joint regulatory text fixes limits and ICAO classification of the airspace * a joint regulatory text fixes ATS to be provided to both GAT and OAT * AIS publication is jointly agreed. ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

9 In addition, the « Airspace Directorate » is also responsible for :
At level 1 (strategic level) : In addition, the « Airspace Directorate » is also responsible for : * issuing ATM orientation directives to the civil and military ATS providers; * organising dialogue between regulators, providers and airspace users; * harmonizing the French position on airspace regarding european proposals on airspace issues. ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

10 CIPROG FMP(s) At level 2 (pre-tactical level) : CNGE
A national airspace management cell (AMC) called “CNGE” determines allocation of airspace structures to civil or military users, on a daily basis. CNGE CIPROG FMP(s) ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

11 At level 2 (pre-tactical level),
this “Airpace Management Cell” (AMC) : Collects and analyses all Airspace and Route Requests which may require temporary airspace segregation Allocates, after internal negociation, the airspaces identified as TSA, CBA and CDR with a daily notification through the Airspace Use Plan (AUP) Analyses afterwards the Use of Airspace ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

12 Priorities to the General Air Traffic : To improve Air Traffic Flow ;
At level 2 (pre-tactical level)… The rules for an optimal use of Airspace and a permanent dialogue, are : Priorities to the General Air Traffic : To improve Air Traffic Flow ; To adapt capacity to demand ; Taking into account « Black slots » when very heavy traffic (more than 130% of the capacity). Rescue clauses : To limit the restrictions to OAT : limitation of the number of black slots to those which are the most penalizing ; lateral and vertical partitioning of the areas; limitation of simultaneously partitioning. ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

13 At level 2 (pre-tactical level)… for an optimal use of Airspace and a permanent dialogue; example of a negociation at D-1 ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

14 At level 3 (tactical level or real time) :
Civil-Military coordination via DCCs (civilian unit of coordination in each military ATC centre) - real-time knowledge and representation of an area activity (activation and release) real-time coordination in favor of each GAT and OAT Direct link between controllers with identification of the caller; two trials are in progress : on automatic basis by computers on direct contact by phone ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

15 Synopsis of the french civil / military coordination :
x months before day  D D-7 D-2 D-1 H-3 ASM LEVEL 1 ASM LEVEL 2 PRE-TACTICAL ASM LEVEL 2 STRATEGIC ASM LEVEL 3 FMP AMC Détermination of red slots based on statistics available for pre defined period OAT & GAT priorities CRG DIRECTOIRE Air space design Criteria of management process AIP LOA DSNA-DO/DIRCAM decisions CIPROG First evaluation of non-constrained GAT slots Manageable aeras requests Schémas déposés A M C Airspace allocation Identification of red slots 50/50 sharing of GAT constraints by application of priorities, reschedueling,segregation ,etc AUP D-6 2h / zone guarantied to Defence Collegial allocation of air Defence planing UUP Final ajustments Updated airspace Allocation Updated A T C ACAC Seminar - Rabat 2005

16 Thank you for your attention…
ACAC Civil / Military coordination seminar Rabat, September 2005

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