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Reinforcement & Punishment

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Presentation on theme: "Reinforcement & Punishment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reinforcement & Punishment
Directions: For each of the statements presented, determine if this is an example of negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, negative punishment or positive punishment.

2 Reinforcement & Punishment
Positive Negative Reinforcement (increase response) Add good Remove bad Punishment (decrease response) Add bad Remove good Clicking on each of the boxes will reveal the definition underneath. (If you are working on a Mac, clicking anywhere outside of the chart will make the rectangles disappear in order beginning with “fixed ratio”)

3 Reinforcement & Punishment
Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Positive Punishment Negative Punishment When Olivia makes rude noises at the dinner table, she gets her mouth washed out with soap. She doesn’t make rude noises that often anymore. Little Joey gets yelled at when he acts up in class. He likes the attentions and now he’s acting up even more. Because Tameka earned an A in each of her classes, she doesn’t have to do her usual chore of vacuuming this month. She’s now even more motivated to study. Ray came home past his curfew, so he was not allowed to drive for the following week. He hasn’t missed a curfew since. PosP PosR NegR These two slides are animated so that each example comes up in sequence followed on the next click by the correct answer. Consider allowing students to discuss their answers with each other (in pairs, small groups, or as a class) before clicking in their responses. Much discussion will ensue! Offering a couple points extra credit for getting 7 out of 8 correct will increase involvement noticeably. NegP

4 Reinforcement & Punishment
Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Positive Punishment Negative Punishment Maria put in extra hours at work helping her boss finish a major project. She received a big bonus for her contributions. She’s now looking for other ways to contribute at work. When Thuy and Gurpreet were running around the living room, they crashed into the PlayStation, breaking it. They now carefully walk through the living room. Chandler’s girlfriend, Monica, keeps bugging him to take her dancing. He finally agrees, and she quits bugging him. The next time she starts bugging him, he quickly agrees to do whatever it is. (Chandler’s behavior is changing.) Monica’s boyfriend, Chandler, gives in when she starts bugging him about something. Now whenever she wants something, she just starts bugging him. (Monica’s behavior is changing.) PosR NegP NegR PosR

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