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eCandidate Record Sheet (eCRS)

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Presentation on theme: "eCandidate Record Sheet (eCRS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 eCandidate Record Sheet (eCRS)
eModeration – Summer 2014 eCandidate Record Sheet (eCRS)

2 eCandidate Record Sheets
GCSE Manufacturing (Unit 1) Compulsory use of eCRS - Summer 2014

3 Contents What is eCRS? Why use eCRS? eCRS FAQs Handout.
Support & Help with eCRS. Recommendations.

4 What is eCRS? eCRS is an online application used to provide marks/comments and other required information to CCEA as part of the moderation process. Removes the need to use hardcopy: candidate record sheets; OMR TAC1 form; TAC2 form (Internal Standardisation information/confirmation). Provides the facility to: record candidates’ marks with automatic totalling; confirm internal standardisation has been carried out; confirm centre authentication of controlled assessment/coursework; confirm signed confirmation from candidates to authenticate their work has been retained; link teacher reference codes (eg teacher’s initials) with candidates; validate submissions.

5 Why use eCRS? What are the key benefits?
Reduces paper work. Removes any totalling errors. Validates all required data. Improves the process for centres and CCEA. Reduces queries going back to centres. Involves the right people. Prepares centres and CCEA to deal with future technology changes. Allows teachers to complete controlled assessment administration earlier. Has eCRS been used in my subject before? Yes. Some centres have used the eCRS on an optional basis since summer 2010. All centres had the opportunity to opt in to use eCRS for all the revised GCSEs in summer 2010 and summer 2011.

6 eCRS FAQs Handout eCRS FAQs Handout (in Agreement Trial pack)
Includes questions and answers on: Registering and getting started. Recording marks/comments and teacher codes. Finalising marks and completing the eCRS process. Getting support & recommendations.

7 Support & Help with eCRS
Refer to the eCRS FAQ Handout. Refer to the eModeration microsite – Regular updates will be available including updated support materials: quick start guide; detailed user manual; online tutorial/captivate. Further communications will be issued to centres. Any queries can be ed to

8 Recommendations Get familiar with the eCRS process by reading the FAQs handout. Discuss/agree who will be registered in your department. Get registered early so you can login and get familiar with the system. Agree when you want to start recording marks for candidates on the eCRS. Use the guidance documents available on the eModeration website. Don’t leave it all to do in the last few days.

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