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FEU Council Meeting Budapest 13. October 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "FEU Council Meeting Budapest 13. October 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEU Council Meeting Budapest 13. October 2016.
Duty Service of Disaster Management in Hungary FEU Council Meeting Budapest 13. October 2016. presented by captain Zoltán Hozbor National Directorate General for Disaster Management (NDGDM)

2 Duty System of National Disaster Management
Duty Centre of the Government (1) Duty Centre of the Ministry of Interior (1) Public Call Reception Centres (2) Central Duty Office of National Disaster Management (1) Duty Centre of County Disaster Management Directorates (20) Operations Control or Dispatch Centres Cetral Duty Service: County Duty Services: Operation Control Services: direct firefighters and fire engines on county level Professional fire brigades and disaster management posts: Provide the base and the major part of the system. Municipal fire brigades: municipalities have a possibility to operate fire brigades Voluntary fire associations: fire brigades on voluntary base, addition to professional and municipal fire brigades Industrial fire brigades: certain companies with fire hazardous plants must operate fire brigades duty service of the Professional Fire Brigades duty service of the Municipal Fire Brigades Disaster Management Posts Voluntary Fire Associations Industrial Fire Brigades

3 PCRC in Szombathely

4 Call receiving operators at work


6 Work Station

7 PCRCs (2), DCs (20) N

8 Bács-Kiskun County Activity Operations Control Centre
Komárom-Esztergom County Activity Operations Control Centre

9 Data in the SHIELD (PAJZS) coming from the CRCS (HÍR)
Appliances offered From the questioning protocol From the notes field Caller’s data Determining the alarm grade

10 SHIELD alarm surface

11 Ongoing events

12 Ongoing event Datasheet

13 Ongoing events in the country

14 Appliance tracking

15 Settlement information

16 Objects (19)

17 Distance matrix

18 Statistical Data Serving System
Local data recording KAP-online Regional data recording

19 Appliance and headcount recording
Quick-reach menu Log-book, alert Basic information Industry safety Electronic log-book Appliance and headcount recording Operations data sheets Retrieving events Statistical data requests Fire Fighting Authority Civil protection

20 Data Service System Unified On-line/web-based
Data sheets (Fire Fighting and Technical rescue, Appliance, Forest and vegetation) Must be uploaded within 2 hours and closed within 72 hours.

21 Central Duty Service Functions and Tasks:
- supervises fire-fighting and technical rescue incidents/accidents - rearranges units if needed (outside county borders) - alerts the nationwide dispatchable units - supervises monitoring, detection, notification and alert systems (radiation monitoring network, MoLaRi, meteo, Danube Shipping) - national and international CP - compiles the Daily Report @ until 04:00 AM Duty Service of the Ministry of Interior Reporting order: prompt reports on the phone, daily report by MoLaRi: dangerous establishments’ monitoring system Daily Report: containing every essential information on the events that occurred in the country between hours.

22 Keeps in touch with international and national organisations
International Contact Point (EU ERCC, NATO EADRCC, IAEA, UN ECE - Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents), Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Human Resources, National Police Headquarters, Hungarian Meteorological Service, Hungarian Ambulance Service, National Public Health and Medical Officer Service, Central Duty Service of the Armed Forces, Armed Forces Operations Centre, Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency, Paks Nuclear Power Plant, General Directorate of Water Management Seismological Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, National Transport Authority, Hungarian Railways, Hungarian Public Road co… CECIS: communicate with the EU ERCC and the EU member states IAEA: USIE web-based communication with the participating states We are the National Warning Point, the National Competent Authority is the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.

Public announcement (prompt, within 2 hours) Media service providers Residents Duty Office of Min. Int. CENTRAL DUTY OFFICE Partner organisations Utility providers COUNTY DUTY OFFICES County Defence Committees NMS Alarms Mayors Primary communications channel: Marathon Terra secondary: via s Co-agencies

24 Seismological Observatories (3) COUNTY MAIN DUTY OFFICES
Earthquakes Notification via s CENTRAL DUTY OFFICE Seismological Observatories (3) Control of residential reports Reports of the earthquakes experienced by residents DCIC NEC COUNTY MAIN DUTY OFFICES

25 Public Alarm and Notification System
Monitoring systems (3) Detect radiation and other chemical substance releases 27/7 Public Alarm and Notification System (30 km around Paks Nuclear Power Plant)

26 National Radiation Monitoring, Signal and Control System
Measuring stations send a warning above 250 nSv/hours dose rate, and an alarm signal above 500 nSv/hours to the NDGDM Nuclear Accident Information and Evaluation Centre. National Nuclear Accident Response System (NNARS) Contact point to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

27 Monitoring, Public Alarm and Notification System
MoLaRi system surrounding dangerous chemical establishments under SEVESO II 3 main segments: Chemical monitoring and meteorology endpoints Communications and IT data transfering system Alarm and notification system

28 Monitoring endpoint to detect dangerous substance Chemical accident
Notifying people if needed Signal evaluation at DM county duty office

29 Spread modelling

30 National Aerial Search and Rescue Centre
Search and Rescue Coordination Centre (KMKK), Aerial and ground forces and equipment, plus special personnel operating them Disaster Management Hungarian Armed Forces National Ambulance Service National Police Distressed Aircraft

31 Marathon Terra On-line Communications System
National Emergency Centre– County Defence Committees– Command Staffs – Independent from regular s, reliable, unrestricted file size and type fast data transferring and reporting Main users: Disaster Management, Police, Military, Tax and Customs, Meteorology, Media, Electricity providers, Paks l

32 UNECE – Industrial Accident Notification System
IAEA – Unified System for Information Exchange in Incidents and Emergencies

33 CECIS - Common Emergency Communication and Information System

34 Alarms of Heavy and Medium USAR Teams

35 HELIOS Civil Protection Register

36 SZÖSZ – Service Registry Software
12-24/12-48 service duty order

37 Thank you for your attention!

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