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The Model Validation Story

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1 The Model Validation Story

2 You’ve heard this story before
August 10, 1996 Accurate and up-to-date models are needed for reliable and economic grid operations and planning WECC required generators to be tested for model validation after 1996 system outages WECC established a formal Generating Unit Model Validation Policy in 2006: Baseline model development, Periodic model validation NERC Reliability Standards MOD-026,-027: Developed from 2007 to 2013 In effect starting July 1, 2014

3 Regulatory Landscape MOD-032 require: MOD-025 require:
Generator Owners to develop and provide accurate models to Transmission Planners MOD-025 require: Generator Owners to verify reactive power capabilities MOD-026, -027 require: Generator Owners to periodically validate generator excitation and governor models Transmission Planners verify model usability

4 (a) Baseline Model Development vs
(a) Baseline Model Development vs. (b) Disturbance-Based Model Validation vs. (c) Disturbance-Based Model Calibration

5 (a) Baseline Model Development
Equipment Model Verify model structure represents generating equipment Test model components, develop baseline data sets Disturbance data can be used complementary

6 (a) Baseline Model Development
Test the limits and capability curves

7 (b) Disturbance-Based Model Validation
PMU needs to be placed at Power Plant POI

8 (b) Disturbance-Based Model Validation
Power Plant Voltage and Frequency MWs and MVARs G Controllable Voltage and Frequency G Disturbance play-in capabilities are added to GE PSLF in 2001

9 (b) Disturbance-Based Model Validation
BPA PPMV sequence of GE PSF EPCLs and MATLAB programs BPA-PNNL PPMV Stand-alone data management program Idaho Power Excel macro with PI data link and PSLF interfaces

10 (b) Disturbance-Based Model Validation
BPA has PMU disturbance monitoring: Conventional – 12 plants, 130 generators, 21,145 MW of generation Wind – 11 plants 1,200 MW of generation Review model performance annually

11 Success Stories – Plant A
BEFORE-2014 AFTER-2015

12 Success Stories – Plant B
BEFORE-2014 AFTER-2015

13 (c) Disturbance-Based Model Calibration
Can PMU data be used for model calibration ? Disturbance-based model calibration is NOT a replacement for baselining testing can be used to complement baseline model development requires engineering judgment – beware of curve fitting gymnastics

14 (c) Disturbance-Based Model Calibration
EPRI Power Plant Parameter Derivation (PPPD) is most mature, a user group is established including about 30 participants Bernie University of Wisconsin uses a unique approach of pattern matching – which is useful to provide insight in model inaccuracies Others: MATLAB Idaho Power developed in-house optimizers PNNL – Kalman filter University of Texas – Particle Swarm Optimization Georgia Tech – super-calibrator

15 Wind Power Plant Model Validation and Calibration

16 Wind Power Plant Model Validation
BPA has nearly 4,900 MW of wind generation interconnected to its transmission system BPA prototyped PMU-based wind power plant validation set-up for multiple wind power plants BPA is collaborating with EPRI, UVIG, NREL research on wind power model validation using PMU data BPA implemented wind models in State Estimator

17 3. Wind Power Plant Model Validation

18 Plant Performance Monitoring

19 Going Beyond the Standards
PMU monitoring provides detection of generator abnormalities Unexpected action from plant controller PSS failure Abnormal runback in reactive power

20 Publications DOE Report on Model Validation CIGRE Tutorial CIGRE Paper
IEEE Magazine paper ERCOT Technical Conference NASPI Meetings

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