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Capitalism and Economic Freedom

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Presentation on theme: "Capitalism and Economic Freedom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capitalism and Economic Freedom
Understand Characteristics of our Economy Understand Driving Forces of our Economy Understand Roles People Play in our Economy

2 Characteristics of Free Enterprise Economy
Economic Freedom Voluntary Exchange Private Property Rights Profit Motive Competition

3 Economic Freedom Given to people and businesses

4 Voluntary Exchange Buyers and sellers actively exchanging in the market on their own

5 Private Property Rights
People may own and control their own possessions

6 Profit Motive Profit- Extent to which people are better off in the end
Profit Motive- Force that encourages people to make business ventures

7 Competition Struggle among sellers to attract customers while lowering costs Ensures lower costs and better quality

8 Entrepreneur’s Role Organize FOP Start businesses
Encourage competition

9 Consumer’s Role Decide products available
Consumer Sovereignty- Consumers rule the market

10 Government’s Role Protector Provider and Consumer

11 Government’s Role Cont.
Regulator Promoter

12 DO YOU KNOW?? The characteristics of capitalism?
The driving forces of capitalism? What roles we all play in capitalism?

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