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Sprint Nextel All Things Green.

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1 Sprint Nextel All Things Green

2 Company Overview Sprint Nextel is a telecommunications corporation that offers a wide range of wireless and wire line communications services Serves consumers, businesses, and government users Served more than 49.9 million customers in 2010 Leader in developing innovative technologies, such as the first wireless 4G service from a national carrier in the U.S. Sprint Nextel merger began in 2004 and was completed by 2005

3 Impact of Cell Phones Central form of communication and connection
3.5 billion cell phones used worldwide 4.1 billion mobile phone subscriptions 130 million cell phones are disposed each year 65,000 tons of electronic waste Research shows that each charger uses approximately kWh per day

4 Impact of Cell Phones Cell phones are constantly being replaced by newer ones due to newer features, change of carriers or service plans, or the desire for something new Disposal of cell phones pose a threat to the environment due to the increase in landfills and possible pollution in the soil and rivers Extraction of materials in a cell phone emits toxic chemicals Printed circuit boards contain lead, nickel, and beryllium Liquid crystal displays contain mercury Batteries may have nickel and cadmium Plastics may contain toxic flame retardants

5 Sprint Sustainability
First U.S. wireless provider to target the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Reduce emissions by 15% between Improve energy efficiency; use renewable energy sources, such as hydrogen fuel cells to replace backup generators Environmentally friendly phones Product-recycling program for old phones, batteries, accessories Buy back old equipment Goal: recycle 99% of products

6 Sprint Sustainability
Sprint’s Device Eco Criteria sets the standards high Reduce chemicals in products Eliminate unnecessary packaging Sprint is working to ensure that its suppliers follow its own environmental standards Sprint is reducing its carbon usage Using solar panels Printing bills on thinner paper Using led lights instead of traditional incandescent lighting Using natural light Eliminating the use of Styrofoam cups

7 Sprint Sustainability
Sprint purchases 80% of its power from a wind farm in Spearville, Kansas Reduces oil by 146,305 per year Saves electricity from 8,726 homes per year Preserves 439 acres of forest

8 Sprint Sustainability
Green IT (Green Information Technology Approach) Improves design efficiency and use of computing resources Uses power management, recycling practices, environmentally friendly hardware and software IT-based power consumption has decreased over 20 months Servers reduced by more than 3,850 Results: improved energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 20,355 metric tons Sprint uses more energy efficient servers and storage Consolidated data centers Reduced applications Simpler hardware & software IT plan that uses virtualization and other green IT options

9 Eco-Friendly Phones Samsung Restore Samsung Replenish LG Remarq
Made from 84% recycled materials Samsung Replenish First eco-friendly Android LG Remarq Coated with lead-free paint Samsung Reclaim Made with bio-plastic materials from corn

10 Green Accessories Solio Mono Hybrid Charger
Stores power from the sun or electrical socket All-in-one Vehicle & Wall Charger Can charge two devices at once Energy Star 2.0 compliant Customers can add the Sprint Green tile to their phone to access eco-friendly guides

11 What You Can Do 17.8 million phones have been kept out of landfills
Recycle old phones Sprint will recycle your phones, batteries, accessories, data cards for free and donate the proceeds to charity Sprint Buyback gives account credit to customers returning old phones Sign up for Sprint’s eBill system Electronic bills save paper and trees

12 References good-and-bad-and-how-we-can-use-them.php Pictures Used: s400/recycling-symbol1.jpg 300x300.jpg North-Dakota.jpg

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