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DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information.

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1 DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

2 Autodesk Confidential Information
Today’s discussion is covered under your ADN Agreement with Autodesk. The information we will be providing is highly confidential, and is to be shared within your company on “need to know basis” and to no one outside your company. Autodesk makes no guarantees that anything presented or discussed will actually appear in the future. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

3 AutoCAD-as-a-Platform
AutoCAD Desktop Windows and Mac Including AutoCAD OEM and RealDWG AutoCAD 360 Mobile SDK iOS and Android AutoCAD 360 Web Website AutoCAD Core Engine Service Web service This is the slide we showed you at the last two DevDays conference where we listed the new AutoCAD-based platforms we were hoping to provide to you during coming years. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

4 AutoCAD-as-a-Platform
AutoCAD Desktop Windows and Mac Including AutoCAD OEM and RealDWG AutoCAD 360 Mobile SDK iOS and Android AutoCAD 360 Web Website AutoCAD I/O Web service Unfortunately, sometimes the best laid plans don’t work out, so we’ve ended the year without a public Beta for AutoCAD 360, but we do have a Beta for the AutoCAD Core Engine Service (which we’re now calling AutoCAD I/O). DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

5 AutoCAD-as-a-Platform
AutoCAD Desktop Editing AutoCAD I/O Automated/Batch A360 View & Data web service Viewing/Markup So the AutoCAD story now looks like this … For creating and editing designs, you have AutoCAD on your desktop (AutoCAD on Windows, AutoCAD for Mac). If you want to create your own application based on the AutoCAD engine, you can license AutoCAD OEM, or if you want to read or write DWGs from your own software you can license RealDWG. For intensive batch processing (also called ‘offline’ processing because no user interaction is required) or as the basis of a webserver that generates drawings for customers, you have AutoCAD I/O – which we’ll talk about in more detail later. For viewing and markup you can use the large model viewer we showed you this morning. You can use our implementation of that inside A360, or you can implement a custom version on your own website using the View & Data API available from DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

6 AutoCAD Nautilus DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information
AutoCAD Nautilus is upcoming version of AutoCAD. Main Goals of this release (product wise) Performance improvements across 2D and 3D Re-architect AutoCAD for stability and performance Editing capabilities for entities from imported PDFs DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

7 Migration Basics Binary breaking release DWG format – Unchanged
Major version number is changed - R21.0 Visual Studio 2015 .NET Framework 4.5 We may use .NET Framework 4.6 – We will update you by Beta 1 - early December) VC140 Use R21.0 in PackageContents.xml to support Autoloader DWG format – Unchanged There are no major new APIs on AutoCAD Nautilus. There are some small API additions/modifications, which you’ll find in the what’s new section of the ObjectARX documentation. Nautilus is a binary breaking release. That means you need rebuild your ARX applications. You need use VS – targeting vc 140 complier At present (in alpha build), AutoCAD Nautilus is targeting .NET Framework 4.5, but AutoCAD Nautilus may target .NET Framework 4.6 before it is released to customers. We will update you during the Beta release time (early December) If you are using autoloader to load your modules, then SeriesMin/ SeriesMax should be R21.0 to support AutoCAD Nautilus DWG format remains unchanged. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

8 Migration Steps - ObjectARX
Visual Studio 2015 General Properties Platform Toolset = V140 Linker All *20.lib must be updated to *21.lib Nautilus is a binary breaking release. That means you need rebuild your ARX applications. You need use VS – targeting VC 140 complier Link *21.lib to your ARX application instead of *20.lib. Example : acdb20.lib – acdb21.lib DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

9 Migration Steps – .NET/LISP/JavaScript
No migration should be required But make sure you test ! For your .NET/lisp plug-ins. No Migration is required. However it is suggested to test your plug-ins. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

10 Icon Transparency Support
RGB 192,192,192 - No more transparent BMP with RGB 192,192,192 in AutoCAD 2016 & AutoCAD Nautilus Use PNG with transparency Till AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD used to take only BMP format images in CUI. As BMP format doesn't work with transparency, AutoCAD used to interpret RGB color 192,192,192 as transparent. AutoCAD users had used this workaround in CUI.  But the limitation of this approach is that the background color is fixed as 192,192,192. Any other background color will make the background visible in CUI. From AutoCAD 2015 (and in Nautilus too), you can provide PNG images in CUI. As PNG format supports transparency, you can set the transparency for the images and hence the workaround to set the background color as 192,192,192 is not required. AutoCAD Nautilus has removed the interpretation of RGB color 192,192,192 as transparent. So if your CUI is using BMP with 192,192,192 as background, the background color is shown. RGB color 192,192,192 is no more transparent. Sample images shows the CUI with BMP with 192,192,192 as background in AutoCAD Nautilus vs AutoCAD 2016 Refer DevBlog DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

11 Trusted paths and AutoLoader
%ProgramFiles% is trusted %ProgramData% and %AppData% are not trusted. In AutoCAD 2014, we introduced Trusted Locations (TRUSTEDPATHS). In order to use custom executable files (without getting a warning), you need to add the location of your add-in file(s) to Trusted Paths. In 2014 & %ProgramData%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins & %Appdata%\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins – are by default trusted paths. But with AutoCAD 2016/Nautilus, only the Program files folder (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins and C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins ) is Trusted by default. This means, when you try to load an add-in from any other location you will get a warning message about the loading. To avoid this warning, you need to: add the executable file path to trusted path using command TRUSTEDPATHS, and Sign all your app-in files with your own digital signature and add your certificate to the local machine’s trusted certificates cache Or have the user turn off SECURELOAD – which we obviously don’t recommend. We trust files installed to Program files because admin rights are required to install anything in that location. Checking digital signatures is quite time consuming, so trusting files there is a compromise between security and performance. We strongly recommend that you start signing your add-in files and your installers. More and more of our customers - particularly our larger customers – are requiring any files installed on their networks to be signed. Unsigned add-in files does not show any warning message when placed in trusted paths. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

12 Digital signing Digitally sign your add-in files.
Confirms the integrity of the add-in files and identity of the author Use SignTool.exe (for windows) to sign .NET and native C++ (ObjectARX) add-ins. Tool is located with Microsoft SDK toolkit example : signtool sign /f <PFX file name> /p <Password> FileToSign.dll A digital signature is like an electronic security mark affixed to your add-in file. The digital signature has the details about the publisher, the independent entity who can guarantee the publisher’s identity. It also has the cryptographic checksum which is used to verify that the content has not been tampered after signing. On a Windows machine SignTool.exe is available from Microsoft that enables signing executable files. It can be used to sign both the managed (.NET) and native files. The sign tool takes the pfx file (digital signature file) with password as input. Usage: signtool sign /f <PFX file name> /p <Password> FileToSign.exe Example: signtool sign /f mypfxfile.pfx /p mypassword MyTest.exe An add-in files is one of these files: lsp, vlx, fas, arx, crx, dbx, pgp, cui, cuix, acad.rx. DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

13 Digital signing Use AcSignApply.exe (found along with acad.exe) to sign the LISP files You can digitally sign the lisp/vlisp files too. Use AcSignApply.exe to sign the files. You can find this tool along with acad.exe DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

14 How to digitally sign a file
Purchase digital signature. Vendors include Verisign, DigiCert, Thawte, GlobalSign, Entrust etc. Use digital signature tool Signtool.exe for ObjectARX/.NET AcSignApply.exe for Lisp Steps to get the digital signature Purchase the digital signature. There are lot of vendors like Verisign, DigiCert & etc from who you can purchase the digital certificate. Use the signature to sign your modules, as mentioned in last slide, you can use windows Signtool.exe to sign the c++ or .NET applications. But you need to use AcSignApply.exe provided with acad application to sign the lisp files DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

15 Nautilus release timeline
Alpha 2 Available now Beta 1 Early December Beta 2 & 3 Planning Seamless updates (December & January) Release Candidate Early February First Customer Ship Late March Alpha 2- Available Beta 1 - Early December Beta 2 & 3 - Planning Seamless updates (December & January) Release Candidate – Full build in Feb FCS – Late march DevDays 2015 Autodesk Confidential Information

16 Call to Action Download Nautilus now Migrate/Test your applications
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