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Changing World of Work Le monde du travailil change encore... Its been a hard days night... Media/Family/Peers – Expectations about work Médias, famille,

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Presentation on theme: "Changing World of Work Le monde du travailil change encore... Its been a hard days night... Media/Family/Peers – Expectations about work Médias, famille,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing World of Work Le monde du travailil change encore... Its been a hard days night... Media/Family/Peers – Expectations about work Médias, famille, pairs – les attentes sur les emplois Did you know? (vidéo) How has the world of work changed? Comment le monde du travail a-t-il changé? Making Change Work for You (faites des changements qui travaillent pour vous) Blog reflection / réflexion de blogue

2 How has the world of work changed? Digital advances and expectations from a new generation of workers have shifted the way we produce and collaborate, transforming the workplace and with it, our lives. (Alexis Grant, Money & Careers, August 2011)

3 8 Ways Work is Changing Flexibility abounds (when & where) Flexibilité abonde (quand et où) More people are working for themselves (entrepreneurship is popular!) Plus les gens travaillent pour eux-mêmes (l'entrepreneuriat est populaire!) Not sticking with one job for a lifetime Pas s'en tenir à un emploi pour la durée de vie Work/Life Balance is a priority Équilibre entre travail / vie est une priorité Personal Branding is all the rage Les marques personelles sont à la mode Competing globally la concurrence mondiale Long-term unemployment could be here to stay Chômage de longue durée pourrait être là pour rester Short-term contract and part-time work are the norm Contrat à court terme et le travail à temps partiel sont la norme

4 Making Change Work For You Change can cause problems...but also open the door for opportunities Le changement peut causer des problèmes... mais aussi ouvrir la porte à des possibilités Need to allow for chance, choice, and flexibility Nécessité de permettre la chance, le choix et la flexibilité Learn to adapt well to change Apprenez à bien s'adapter au changement Change does not have to be a crisis...but a chance to do new things Le changement ne doit pas être une crise... mais une chance de faire de nouvelles choses

5 Making Change Work for You... Discuss the following scenarios: Then answer the question: What remains constant in our lives? Ce qui reste constant dans nos vies? ChangePossible Life or Work Opportunities You graduate from high school. You were not accepted to your first choice college/university. You decide to leave home and get your own apartment. Your part-time job has been restructured and you dont like your new responsibilities. Your boyfriend/girlfriend accepts a job in another province.

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