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2nd Joint Review Mission on Skill Building through VTIP

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1 Department of Technical Education Vocational and Industrial Training Himachal Pradesh
2nd Joint Review Mission on Skill Building through VTIP Dated June, 2009 Presentation by: S.S. Guleria Special Secretary and Director (T.E.) Himachal Pradesh

2 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
INTRODUCTION In Himachal Pradesh, the Department of Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training is imparting technical, vocational and industrial training to the needy youths of the state by implementing various schemes for the up-gradation of the technical skills through Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics, ITIs, ITCs and VTCs established in the State. The number of institutions have been increased tremendously in the year and Presently there are 6 Engineering Colleges, 11 Pharmacy Colleges, 13 Polytechnics and 77 ITIs. Besides 60 ITCs are running under NCVT in private sector and 257 VTC’s have been running under SCVT.

3 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
There are more than 116 cases for opening of new Industrial Training Centres in the State in pipeline to be affiliated with the NCVT. To upgrade the skill of the trainees, the State Government has implemented all the policies/schemes introduced by the Centre Government in the field of Vocational & Industrial Training to improve the quality of technical training. The Centre Government has introduced schemes namely (i) Upgrading ITI’s into Centres of Excellence (ii) Upgrading ITI’s through Public Private Partnership Mode (iii) Modular Employable Scheme through Skill Development Initiative Scheme. These schemes are being implemented by the Technical Education Department in letter and spirit.

4 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Institutions and specialized Sectors Institute Sector Centre of Excellence at ITI Chamba : Electrical Centre of Excellence at ITI Mandi : Ref. & Air Cond. Centre of Excellence at ITI Nadaun : Fabrication (Fitting & Welding) Centre of Excellence at ITI Nahan : Fabrication (Fitting & Welding) Centre of Excellence at ITI Shahpur : Fabrication (Fitting & Welding) Centre of Excellence at ITI Shimla : Information Technology Centre of Excellence at ITI Shamshi : Electrical ITI Reckong Peo : General Up-gradation ITI’S IN PIPELINE TO BE SELECTED IN THE YEAR ITI (W) Mandi : General Up-gradation ITI (W) Shimla : General Up-gradation ITI Rong Tong : General Up-gradation

5 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
IDPs in Pipeline Institute Development Plans of following four more Industrial training Institute has been sent to DGE&T and approval for three ITI’s namely MANDI SHIMLA & RONG TONG has been received. The grant in aid for following ITI’s is also awaited:- (1) ITI(W) Mandi (4 trades having 8 units) (2) ITI (W) Shimla (4 trades having 6 units) (3) ITI Rong Tong (2 trades having 2 units)

6 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of Operationalisation of MOU Sr. No. Particular Present Status 1 Delegation of Powers to Principals Financial Powers have been delegated as per decision taken in the first State Steering Committee(SSC) meeting. 2 Status of Posting of Principals All the posts of Principal have been filled up 3 Status of Posing of Instructors Required numbers of trainers/Instructors have been appointed for BBBT and Advance modules in all the COEs

7 Status of SPIU Establishment
Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh Status of SPIU Establishment SPIU is established with additional charge to already appointed officers at Directorate:- Director State Project Director Joint Director Officer In-charge Environment Deputy Director (Training) Officer In-charge Procurement DC(F&A) Finance Officer Assistant Director(Training) Officer in-charge Institutional Development and Training Technical Officer Officer In-charge (Civil Works)

8 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Budget Provision by State in Sr. No. Name of ITI Budget Provided in State Share in Lacs Remarks 1 ITI Shamshi 10 2 ITI Shimla 17 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 15 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

9 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
IUFR Statements-Physical & Financial Progress Sr. No. Name of ITI Physical Progress Financial Progress 1 ITI Shamshi 80% Machinery & Equipment have been procured and installed in all the COEs. Civil Work pertaining to COE is in Progress All the posts of Principals & required instructors have been filled in respective COEs. Funds allocated in Financial year have been utilized for the purpose . 2 ITI Shimla 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

10 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of EMF/Disclosure Management Sr. No. Name of ITI Present Status 1 ITI Shamshi Water Purifier have been installed for safe drinking Water. Plantation is being done at large scale in all the COE Rain water harvesting is made integral part in all the newly constructed COE buildings. Segregation of waste material like cotton waste Lubricants Iron and paper waste etc. is being done in all All the COE have declared as Non Smoking Zone. Joint Director Technical Education has been appointed as State Environment Officer who is responsible for organizing and coordinating all the environmental related issues of COEs. Disclosure Management frame work has been made and the information related to COE admission / Tenders of Machinery and Equipments , Civil Works & IUFR is brought on official Website of The Department. 2 ITI Shimla 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

11 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Training of Instructors of Advance Modules Sr. No. Name of ITI Present Status 1 ITI Shamshi 6 2 ITI Shimla 5 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 9 ITI Mandi ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

12 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of Construction of Workshops for Advance Modules Sr. No. Name of ITI Present Status 1 ITI Shamshi For construction of COE Building necessary funds have been got deposited with the executing agencies and the work has been taken up by them. 2 ITI Shimla 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

13 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of Construction of Workshops for Advance Modules PHOTOGRAPHS
















29 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of Audit Reports Sr. No. Name of ITI Present Status 1 ITI Shamshi Not conducted as yet. However for conducting the audit head wise expenditure incurred up to 31st March 2009 has been supplied to Principal AG (Audit) HP Shimla. 2 ITI Shimla 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

30 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of ITI wise KPIs Sr. No. Name of ITI Present Status 1 ITI Shamshi The employment opportunities has been increased i.e. 60% increase from baseline of 45 % to 72% within two years period. Monthly income of pass out trainees has been increased i.e. 50% increase from base line from the respective earlier emoluments. 2 ITI Shimla 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

31 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Status of Placement Cell in ITI -TCPC Sr. No. Name of ITI Present Status 1 ITI Shamshi Placement Cell has been created in all the instituted covered under the scheme in the State. 2 ITI Shimla 3 ITI Nahan 4 ITI Shahpur 5 ITI Mandi 6 ITI Chamba 7 ITI Rail at Nadaun 8 ITI Recong Peo

32 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Action Plan with time lines for next six months Sr. No. Particular Action Taken Future Action Plan 1 Creation of Posts of Instructors for COE-BBBT and Advance Modules Case has been sent to Government for approval To be filled up after approval 2 Filling up of Posts on Contact Basis The posts of Trainer/Instructor have already been filled up on contract basis in respective COEs To be filled up on regular basis after approval 3 Deputation of Contract Staff(Instructors) for Training 41 Instructors 50 more to be deputed 4 Filling up of other Vacant posts of Principal/ Instructors All posts have been filled up -- 5 Construction of Workshops for Advance Modules Work is under Progress --- 6 Procurement Plan for The amount released in financial year has been utilized completely The amount received recently shall be utilized up to September 2009

33 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Action Taken on Specific Issues included in first JRM Sr. No. Particular Issue Present Status Future Action Plan 1 Creation of Posts of Instructors for COE-BBBT and Advance Modules Case has been sent to Government for approval To be filled up after approval 2 Filling up of Posts on Contact Basis The posts of Trainer/Instructor have already been filled up on contract basis in respective COEs To be filled up on regular basis after approval 3 Deputation of Contract Staff(Instructors) for Training 41 Instructors 50 more to be deputed 4 Filling up of other Vacant posts of Principal/ Instructors All posts have been filled up -- 5 Construction of Workshops for Advance Modules Work is under Progress --- 6 Procurement Plan for The amount released in financial year has been utilized completely The amount received recently shall be utilized up to September 2009

34 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Admission Status Admission to Centre of Excellence is made in for second batch under Broad Based Basic Training modules. Admission to Centre of Excellence is made in Feb for first batch of advance module. Details of Admission are given as follows:- BBBT Admission Total Admission = 756 Sr. No. Name of Institute Sector Admission in 1. Chamba Electrical 108 2. Mandi Ref. & AC 3. Nadaun Feb. & Weld. 4. Nahan Feb. & Weld 5. Shahpur 6. Shimla Info. Tech . 7. Shamshi 8. R-Peo General Up-gradation -- Total 756

35 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Advance Module Admission Total Admission = 633 Sr. no. Name of Institute Sector Admission in Feb. 2009 1. Chamba Electrical 78 2. Mandi Ref. & AC 57 3. Nadaun Feb. & Weld. 55 4. Nahan Feb. & Weld 92 5. Shahpur 70 6. Shimla Info. Tech . 85 7. Shamshi 88 8. R-Peo General Up-gradation -- Total 525

36 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Drop out BBBT Sr. no. Name of Institute Sector Drop out 1. Chamba Electrical 10 2. Mandi Ref. & AC 05 3. Nadaun Feb. & Weld. 06 4. Nahan Feb. & Weld 5. Shahpur 03 6. Shimla Info. Tech . 08 7. Shamshi 04 8. R-Peo General Up-gradation -- Total 41

37 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Drop out BBBT Sr. no. Name of Institute Sector Drop out 1. Chamba Electrical 10 2. Mandi Ref. & AC 05 3. Nadaun Feb. & Weld. 06 4. Nahan Feb. & Weld 5. Shahpur 03 6. Shimla Info. Tech . 08 7. Shamshi 04 8. R-Peo General Up-gradation -- Total 41

38 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Budget/funds allotment under VTIP Seven ITI’s namely ITI Chamba, Mandi, Shahpur, Shimla, Shamshi, Nadaun, Nahan have been upgraded as centre of excellence in Fabrication, Refrigeration and AC , Information Technology and Electrical etc. and one ITI Recong Peo has been upgraded as a whole institute by the Government of India ministry of Labour and Employment in the state of HP under externally aided project for reforms and improvement in vocational training services render by the central and state government (VTIP) in the ratio of 75 :25 shares respectively with World Bank assistance with approved outlay of 3.50 crore per ITI for 7 ITIs and Rs. 2:00 Crore for ITI Recong Peo. Central 75% to the tune of rupees Lac has been released and credited in the state head.

39 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Detail of up to date Amount received both centre and state Share along with expenditure incurred Sr. No Component Amount Received (Rupees in Lac) Expenditure Incurred Centre State Total 1 Civil Works 412.75 100.00 512.75 337.00 40.00 377.00 2. Machinery & Equipments 750.45 177.99 928.44 563.61 137.99 701.60 3 Other Expenditure 389.80 40.67 430.47 299.68 20.67 320.35 318.66 198.66

40 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Staff Position Under VTIP Scheme Sr. no. Name of Institute Regular Principal in Position Is the principal Holding any additional charge Is the principal using his enhanced Financial Powers Total number of Instructor positions Number of Regular full time posts filled Number of full time contractual instructor in position Number of Vacant Instructor Posts Number of Instructors Deputed for Training under VTIP till date COE Other Instructors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITI COVERED DURING 1. Chamba Yes 2. Mandi Nil 3. Nadaun 09 4. Nahan 5. Rekong Peo Trades proposed to be started under VTIP from the session commencing August -09

41 Centre of Excellence under VTIP State Himachal Pradesh
Staff Position Under VTIP Scheme Sr. no. Name of Institute Regular Principal in Position Is the principal Holding any additional charge Is the principal using his enhanced Financial Powers Total number of Instructor positions Number of Regular full time posts filled Number of full time contractual instructor in position Number of Vacant Instructor Posts Number of Instructors Deputed for Training under VTIP till date COE Other Instructors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ITI COVERED DURING 6. Shahpur Yes No Nil 7. Shamshi 13 12 8. Shimla ITI COVERED DURING NIL

42 Best Practices introduced
Department of Technical Education Vocational and Industrial Training Himachal Pradesh Best Practices introduced For making the scheme self sustained after the completion of financial package from the GOI the state of HP has made these courses under self-financing scheme in which a sum of rupees 6400/- is charged as admission, tuition fee and COE development Fund. These funds are utilized for paying salary to the employees, purchase of raw material for training purpose and other day to day expenditures in this scheme.

43 Constraints/Suggestive Remedial Measure
It is observed that during examinations the trainees are not able to answer the question of those modules which they have studied in starting of session, so, it is suggested that half yearly examination pattern i.e. examination of three modules should be conducted in half Yearly pattern. The question paper of W/Cal and Science and Engg. Drawing should be separate. It is also observed that during campus interview the companies / Organizations shows some reluctance in the recruitment of COE candidates with the reason that the training period of the trainees is not sufficient in individual modules. it is observed that the examination date prescribed for all advance modules is same however there are many trainees who have compartment in one advance module and also have to appear in the exam of other advance module. So, separate date/time (Morning /evening shift) should be Kept for each advance module.

44 Constraints/Suggestive Remedial Measure
6) It is proposed that the trainees after passing out the BBBT should be enrolled as apprentice in respective trades(by suitably adjusting the apprentice training period). Whereas no such practice is being followed now these days. There must be some notification be issued from DGE&T.

45 Thank you 45

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