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Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation

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1 Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation
Art and Architecture Daily Question: - How is the art and architecture of the Renaissance an expression of the humanistic ideals?

4. Which ideas about leadership would Niccolo Machiavelli most likely support? Leaders should do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals Leaders should fight against discrimination and intolerance Leaders should listen to the desires of the people Elected leaders should be fair and good If you finish early, then do the extra questions for extra credit

3 Warm-up Reflection How did you arrive at your answer?
What strategies did you use? Why did you choose the answer you did? Remember to: LISTEN SUMMARIZE BUILD

4 Describe what you see. Write at least 3 sentences.

5 Hints: Things to describe:
Look carefully at the next image. Describe what you see. Don’t worry about the painting’s title. Write at least 3 sentences. Hints: Things to describe: The subject Colors Texture Emotion Background Degree of realism


7 Can you tell the difference between Medieval and Renaissance art?

8 Set 1 Look closely at both paintings. One is from the Medieval Period. One is from the Renaissance. What do you notice about each painting? How did art in the Renaissance change?

9 Cimabue, Madonna in Majesty
Giotto, Madonna Enthroned



12 Set 2 Look closely at both paintings. One is from the Medieval Period. One is from the Renaissance. How did art in the Renaissance change?




16 Renaissance Art (things to notice)
You can definitely see depth perception in these paintings. As people and objects are closer they appear larger and as the fade to the distance they appear smaller. As you can see there is definitely linear perspective, vanishing or focus point. When you look at the painting your eyes are drawn to one point in the painting.

17 Masaccio, The Holy Trinity 1426

18 Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper

19 Set 3 Look closely at these paintings. One is from the Medieval Period. The others are from the Renaissance. How did art in the Renaissance change?


21 Sandro Boticelli, Giuliano de Medici, c. 1478
Sandro Boticelli, Simonetta Vespucci, c. 1478

22 Set 4 Look closely at both pieces of art. One is from the Medieval Period. One is from the Renaissance. How did art in the Renaissance change?



25 Detail from Michelangelo’s David

26 Set 5 Look closely at both paintings. One is from the Medieval Period. One is from the Renaissance. How did art in the Renaissance change?


28 Bruegel, Peasant Wedding





33 Journal Reflection VTS What’s going on in this picture?
What do you see that makes you say that? What more can you find? Answer ALL of the following questions: What do you now know about the art we looked at from the Middle Ages? What do you now know about the art we looked at from the Renaissance? What do you still want to know about any of the art we looked at from the Middle Ages? What do you still want to know about any of the art we looked at from the Renaissance? How is the art and architecture of the Renaissance an expression of the humanistic ideals? Homework:Find two pieces of art/architecture online – one from the Middle Ages and one from the Renaissance – write a written comparison using some of the methods we used in class Collecting: #

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