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Project Management Software Review: Glasscubes, Zoho & Basecamp Kevin Garrett: National Quality Center Nicolé Mandel: UCSF Center for HIV Information December.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management Software Review: Glasscubes, Zoho & Basecamp Kevin Garrett: National Quality Center Nicolé Mandel: UCSF Center for HIV Information December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management Software Review: Glasscubes, Zoho & Basecamp Kevin Garrett: National Quality Center Nicolé Mandel: UCSF Center for HIV Information December AETC Program E-Learn Committee Call: December 13, 2016, 1-2 PM ET

2 Housekeeping If dialing in, please mute your computer speakers.
If you have to step away or take another call please do not place us on hold. Feel free to enter your questions and comments in the chat room throughout the presentation. This webinar is being recorded; webinar recording, transcript, and presentation slides will be posted to the AETC NCRC website after the call.

3 Webinar objectives Understand how the identified software programs have been used or are being used to manage projects, and communicate and collaborate with colleagues and team members Identify the pros and cons and review best practices for each software program Review costs and learn where to find more information

4 Presenters Kevin Garrett has been with the National Quality Center since He has authored many Quality Academy tutorials as well as led the development of many NQC face-to-face trainings. He also has a background in computer technology. Nicolé Mandel is the AETC NCRC website project manager. She has been managing websites since the 20th century. She loves trying new software.

5 Software Pros Glasscubes:
Collaboration software-great for file sharing/editing Easy to use user interface Can limit access down to the document and/or individual level Has comprehensive task tracking Software authors are constantly improving program and open to suggestions Zoho: Best for task management, useful for project managers Allows for more customization Plug ins and apps available to view tasks and track progress Presents tasks in a variety of layouts for easy viewing Basecamp: Cost effective and easy to use Great for small projects Great for communicating with your team, keeping lists and tracking tasks

6 Software Cons Glasscubes: Zoho: Basecamp:
Calendar not compatible w/Outlook or other project management software Calendar has been reported to have small bugs – so far not observed on my end Software authors are in England Task software can be a bit too complex for some users Firewalls may limit users in uploading files or other actions Zoho: Can be overwhelming if you’re tracking a lot of projects Sometimes hard to find information in older tasks or threads Maybe too many features? Calendar not compatible w/Outlook Basecamp: Too many alerts and notifications by default Not as customizable as some software

7 Questions?

8 Next E-learn call February 2017 (tentative) Proposed ideas:
RSS Feeds Recommendations, comments, thoughts - contact Judy Collins at

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