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North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process

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1 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process
Peer Observer Training Session Spring 2014 Dr. Trish R. Johnson and Mrs. Courtney Wright Trainers

2 The Process At-A-Glance
Step 1: The Orientation Step 2: The Self Assessment/ Development of PDP Step 3: The Observations (three (3) by Administrator/one (1) by Peer Observer) Step 4: Post Conferences (required for all observations) Step 5: Summative Conference

3 Peer Observer Expectations
To adhere to the established Peer Observer guidelines as presented. To maintain professionalism and confidentiality at all times. To complete the required paperwork in timely manner. To know and understand the NC Teacher Evaluation Process and its tools.

4 The Pre-Conference In the observation pre-conference the teacher is provided an opportunity to: describe the lesson design for the class to be observed, describe the students in the class and to share with observer his/her method of teaching etc. The Observer has opportunity to ask questions relative to the class/lesson to be observed. Written lesson plans should be provided to the Peer Observer.

5 The Observation Arrive on time. Plan to remain the duration of the lesson or at least 45 minutes as required by legislation. Pre-determine where you will sit during observation. Have all tools needed for the observation. Remember to record class start and end time on raw data collection instrument.

6 The Observation (cont.)
Other observable information that may be helpful to you when analyzing data could be: the number of students in classroom (will need to count), any observable classroom teaching aids and visuals that are part of the class environment, posted/observable classroom rules/procedures etc.) Write what you see…Just the facts please. Stay focused!

7 Analyzing the Data Good to take a look at your collected data before it gets “too cold” Compare what was seen with the observation rubric You will never address items on the rubric that cannot be observed. Not all the observable elements on the rubric will be observed during one lesson.

8 Completing the Paperwork
Accessing NCEES as a Peer Observer Completing the Rubric Scheduling the Post Conference

9 The Post Conference Start the conference with positive feedback.
Ask teacher to reflect on lesson (their impression)—Listen Provide factual feedback about the lesson observed. Be very careful to steer clear of SUBJECTIVE LANGUAGE during the post conference. Just the facts should be presented. Comments can be made in the comment box at the end of each of the standards.

10 Practice Makes Perfect

11 In Closing…

12 Questions????

13 Thank You! Have a Great Day

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