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Ronald Reagan Administration

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1 Ronald Reagan Administration

2 Reagan’s First Term Domestic Policies
Supply–side economics: Cut taxes of businesses and individuals – so they can reinvest in business’ who will hire more workers & increase production Claims Supply–side economics will end inflation without increasing the national debt–becomes known as Reaganomics Reduced many social programs in an effort to balance the budget – but national debt continued to rise

3 “Star Wars”- In the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Reagan pushed for the creation of a massive satellite shield to destroy any incoming Soviet missiles

4 Farming Surpluses Farmers faced massive surpluses
Administration paid farmers not to plant on millions of acres It was hoped that the supply would be reduced & prices would rise Plan fails Sound Familiar?!?!

5 Immigration Reform & Control Act (1986)- forbids employers from hiring illegal immigrants

6 Reagan’s First Term Foreign Policy
Reagan takes a hard line toward Détente calling for economic sanctions on Poland Reagan provided aid to Latin American nations facing communist takeovers:

7 El Salvador: Sent weapons, military advisors to help prevent a communist takeover in a civil war
Nicaragua: Communist Sandistas overthrew an anti-communist dictator. Reagan supplied aid to the Contras through the CIA – 1987 Congress bans aid Granada (1983): Reagan feared Granada may become a communist base – so he orders a surprise invasion

8 Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica
Reagan meets with Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica in the Oval Office about ongoing events in Grenada

9 Reagan sends marines into Lebanon to end fighting between Christians & Muslims- the peacekeeping effort fails Concerns about terrorism begin to rise

10 Reagan’s Second Term Domestic Policy:
Attempted to balance the budget by cutting taxes & federal spending but a huge trade imbalance leads to increased national debt Declares the “War on Drugs”

11 Reagan’s Second Term Foreign Policy
Iran - Contra Affair: Top aides of Reagan administration sell weapons to Iran Iran helps free American hostages in Lebanon Money from arms sales is used to aid the Contras in Nicaragua **Reagan was negotiating with terrorists & providing aid to the Contras was banned by congress**

12 Détente Returns: - Détente is renewed when Soviet leader, Gorbachev, increases political freedom & allows free enterprise in the Soviet Union & Eastern Europe - U.S. & Soviet Union agree to eliminate short & medium range land missiles


14 Berlin Wall Speech 1987

15 Reagan Berlin Clip Reagan Clip

16 Other Foreign Policy Concerns:
Continued increase in terrorism Drug Trade Ending Apartheid (South Africa)

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