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Homework Metamorphic rock lab due Monday Read section 9.3

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1 Homework Metamorphic rock lab due Monday Read section 9.3
Q’s 1-4 on pg 201

2 Definitions Section 9.2

3 Magma and Erupted Materials
Viscosity: A substance’s resistance to flow (high viscosity = honey, low = water) Lava: Magma that reaches Earth’s surface

4 Pahoehoe: Solidified basaltic lava flow on land that has formed with smooth, ropelike surfaces
Aa: A solidified basaltic lava flow on land that has formed with rough, jagged surfaces

5 Lahar: a fast-moving mudflow that occurs when heat of a volcano melts the snow and ice on top of a volcano Pillow Lava: Lava that cools underwater, taking on a distinctive pillow-like shape as it hardens

6 Pyroclastic material: solid rock fragments that are ejected during a volcanic eruption
Pyroclastic flow: A dense, superheated cloud of gases and pyroclastic materials that moves rapidly downhill from an eruption volcano


8 Felsic and Mafic Magmas
Felsic (Feldspar Silica) magma: high silica, low density, light-colored, slow moving and typically come out of explosive volcanoes Mafic (Magnesium ferric) magma: low silica, high density, more fluid, darker in color and flow more easily. Usually flows smoothly onto the surface

9 Characteristics of Magma

10 Please copy this chart in your notes
Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Gas Content Viscosity Type of Eruption Melting Temp. Location Example

11 Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%)
Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Viscosity Type of Eruption Melting Temp. Location Example

12 Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma
Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Viscosity Type of Eruption Melting Temp. Location Example

13 Viscosity Least viscous Most viscous Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma
Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Viscosity Least viscous Most viscous Type of Eruption Melting Temp. Location Example

14 Type of Eruption Rarely explosive Sometimes explosive
Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Viscosity Least viscous Most viscous Type of Eruption Rarely explosive Sometimes explosive Usually explosive Melting Temp. Location Example

15 Melting Temp. Highest Lowest Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma
Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Viscosity Least viscous Most viscous Type of Eruption Rarely explosive Sometimes explosive Usually explosive Melting Temp. Highest Lowest Location Example

16 Rifts, oceanic hot spots Subduction Boundaries Continental hot spots
Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Viscosity Least viscous Most viscous Type of Eruption Rarely explosive Sometimes explosive Usually explosive Melting Temp. Highest Lowest Location Rifts, oceanic hot spots Subduction Boundaries Continental hot spots Example

17 Mount St. Helens, Washington Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming
Basaltic Magma Andesitic Magma Rhyolitic Magma Silica Content Least (~50%) Intermediate (~60%) Most (~70%) Gas Content Least Intermediate Most Viscosity Least viscous Most viscous Type of Eruption Rarely explosive Sometimes explosive Usually explosive Melting Temp. Highest Lowest Location Rifts, oceanic hot spots Subduction Boundaries Continental hot spots Example Kilauea, Hawaii Mount St. Helens, Washington Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming

18 Goofy but informational! Mt. Etna

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