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Presentation on theme: "VOLCANOES A STORY OF DESTRUCTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. What happens in a Volcano when the pressure grows?
When the pressure grows in a Volcano, the eruption occurs. 2. What can a Volcano eruption trigger? A volcano eruption can trigger: - Tsunamis - Earthquakes - Mudflows -Rock falls 3. 5 characteristics of the Fresh Volcanic Ash. The fresh volcanic ash is: - Acidic - Harmful - Pulverized rock -Glassy -Smelly 4. What damage can the ash cause to people? The ash can cause: - Damage to the lungs of older people, babies and people with respiratory problems.

3 7. When did the Vesuvius erupt and which cities were destroyed?
5. Why were the people from the island of St. Helen surprised by the eruption of the volcano? They were surprised because they thought the volcano was extinct. 6. Why were the people from the island of Krakatau surprised by the eruption of the volcano? They were surprised because they didn´t know they were living on a volcano. 7. When did the Vesuvius erupt and which cities were destroyed? The Vesuvius erupted in the year 79, two cities were destroyed, Pompeii and Herculaneum. 8. What did the people find after many years under the lava from Vesuvius? They found the city of Pompeii, the houses and the people.

4 9. How was the 80% of the earth´s surface created. 10
9. How was the 80% of the earth´s surface created? 10. What happened during the eruption of Mount St. Helens? Did it kill someone? 11. What is the “Ring of Fire”? 12. How was the Crater Lake in Oregon formed? The 80% of the earth´s surface is volcanic origin, the sea floor, and some mountains were formed by countless volcanic eruptions. During the eruption, 58 people died, and it caused $1.2 billion in damage. The rocks travelled at 330 km per hour. The “Ring of Fire” is a region that encircles the Pacific Ocean were more than half of the active volcanoes can be found. The Crater Lake in Oregon was formed after a series of tremendous explosions about years ago. It is 9,6 Km across and 500 m deep.

5 13. What is the Pa’oa? What did Pele use it for?
The Pa’oa is Pele´s magic stick, she used it to dig several “fire pits”. 14. How was the relationship between Pele and Namakaokahai? They were sisters, but they were always arguing and fighting. The fight ended up forming the Hawaiian Islands. 15. Where is Pele’s “house”? After Pele´s sister stop arguing with her, Pele dug her final and eternal fire pit at the summit of the Kilauea Volcano. 16. Who was Pele? Pele is the for the Hawaiian people the Goddess of Volcanoes, the one who caused the volcanic eruptions.



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