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Muslim Ways of Life

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1 Muslim Ways of Life

2 Mosque: Muslim house of worship

3 Minarets

4 Crier Calls Muslims to prayer 5 times per day from the rooftop of the mosque or from the minarets

5 Bazaar: market place

6 Mamun: Abbasid caliph in 830 CE, founded the house of Wisdom in Baghdad. It was staffed with scholars who rewrote Greek, Persian, and Indian works in Arabic.

7 One of the best Muslim chemists, he lived from 865-925 CE
One of the best Muslim chemists, he lived from CE. He developed a categorization system for substances such as animal, mineral, or vegetable, and wrote medical books that helped identify diseases. Al-Razi

8 Ibn Sina Lived from CE and was a Persian doctor who discovered the cause of infectious diseases, explaining how diseases spread from one person to another.

9 Omar Khayyam The Ruba’iyat 1048-1131 CE

10 1332-1406 CE the rise & fall of civilizations

11 Alhambra Granada, Spain

12 Agra, India Taj Mahal

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