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REVIEW OTTOMAN SOCIETY Building an empire and its ruling elite

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1 REVIEW OTTOMAN SOCIETY Building an empire and its ruling elite

2 TODAYS LECTURE Foundation of Istanbul: Ottomans tell the history of the city Empire and the non-muslim subjects


4 After Sultan Mehmet conquered Konstantiye, he saw many amazing buildings and he was surprised greatly. Because they did not seem like human constructions. He ordered a gathering of who knew about history from Rum and land of Frenks, among the priests and bishops. He wanted to know who built the buildings of Istanbul, who were here and who passed away, who were the rulers. He asked the people of Rum, among teh priests and bishops who knew about history “who built this building, who reigned over this city” They told what they knew and what they read from their books. They told about all the groups who were here as told by the narrators and reported by the sources.

5 Prophet Süleyman at his throne with the queen, from the Falname, (Book of Fortune) early seventeenth century

6 Prophet Süleyman at this throne, from Bursalı Firdevsi,
Süleymanname, late fifteenth-early sıxteenthe century

7 One day, they told the Prophet Süleyman there is a ruler in such and such island who does not obey you. Immediately, the Prophet Süleyman gathered the giants, fairies, people and the cinn and arrived at that island. The cursed Ankur fought a great battle with him. At the end, Ankur lost and his army was destroyed. Then, they took Ankur to Süleyman. Süleyman invited him to Islam. The cyrsed one did not accept because of his vanity. Süleyman ordered his beheading, captured that island and enslaved its people. They brought the wealth of Ankur to Süleyman. Süleyman distributed it to the soldiers.Ankur had a very beautiful daughter , unique in beauty. Her name was Şemsiye banu. Süleyman fell in love with her at that instant. He married her and because of his great love he did whatever she wanted.

8 Build a great palace for me, a great palace which does not exist in the universe. Prophet Sületman ordered the giants and fairies “Find a place with good air and paradise-like .Build a great palace for me there. Giants and fairies traveled the world from east to west ,the lands of Arabia, Iran, India, China, Turkistan. They could not find any place with good air. At the end, they came to the land of Rum. They found a place at Mount Aydıncık with good air on the Mediterrenean, famous as “yunan”” (this place still exists, known as temaşalık, with an old building). At the end they liked the place and started building the palace. They brought all the marble they could find from Elbruz and Kaf. There are eight marble columns in Ayasofya which the giants have brought from the Mount Kaf.

9 Because Süleyman loved Şemsiye, he did not let her repeat her wish
Because Süleyman loved Şemsiye, he did not let her repeat her wish. He took her to the Holy house. Şemsiye had a secret religion. She was an idol-worshipper. Süleyman did not know about it. When Prophet Süleyman took Şemsiye to the Holy House, Şemsiye hid her great idol at the kiosk in Aydıncık. Süleyman did not know. At the end, because that girl worshipped idols and the Prophet Süleyman disregard God and loved the girl, he experienced all these events and lost his crown and throne.

10 Muslims and non-muslims `zimmi `status

11 Venetian and Genoese trade routes

12 Travels of Ibn Batutta (b. 1304?- 1377?), covering some 117,000 km

13 Travels of Marco Polo (1254-1324)

14 What is this building?

15 Vezir Hanı, Aleppo, 1683

16 Vezir Hanı, Aleppo, 1683

17 Vezir Hanı, Aleppo, 1683

18 Aleppo

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