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You-attitude looks at things from the reader’s point of view, is a concrete way to show empathy, and is the foundation of persuasion. It is also a matter.

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Presentation on theme: "You-attitude looks at things from the reader’s point of view, is a concrete way to show empathy, and is the foundation of persuasion. It is also a matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 You-attitude looks at things from the reader’s point of view, is a concrete way to show empathy, and is the foundation of persuasion. It is also a matter of style. Often, we can create you-attitude by changing words. Sometimes, however, it’s necessary to revise organization and content as well as style to create the best document.

2 You-Attitude To learn how to Begin building goodwill.
Continue to adapt your message to the audience. Emphasize what the reader wants to know. See another point of view.

3 Start by answering these questions:
You-Attitude Start by answering these questions: How do I create you-attitude in my sentences? Does you-attitude basically mean using the word you? I’ve revised my sentences. Do I need to do anything else?

4 You-attitude is a style of writing that:
Looks at things from the reader’s point of view. Respects the reader’s intelligence. Protects the reader’s ego. Emphasizes what the reader wants to know. You-attitude is a concrete way to show empathy and the foundation of persuasion.

5 To Create You-Attitude
Talk about the reader. Don’t discuss feelings, except to offer congratulations. In positive situations, use you more than I. Use we when it includes the reader. Avoid you in negative situations. You-attitude involves empathy—the ability to see things from another person’s point of view. Think about your audience during each step of the writing process. It means more than simply using the word “you.”

6 You-Attitude Examples
Talking about the Reader, Not Yourself: Readers want to know how they benefit or are affected. Ex: Lacking: We are shipping your order of September 21 this afternoon. Better: The two dozen Corning Ware starter sets you ordered will be shipped this afternoon and should reach you by September 28. even if the sentence contains the word you word it might lack you-attitude. The reader is less interested in when we shipped the order than in when it will arrive. "should reach you by“ leaves room of variation. If you don’t have accurate inof. give source and destination. Or even name of shipping comp. then the user can follow. Business readers generally prefer messages that focus on what can be done. Good you-attitude helps the reader to feel empowered.

7 You-Attitude Examples
Don't Talk about Feelings, Except to Congratulate In business your feelings are irrelevant and should be omitted. All the reader cares about is the situation from his or her point of view. Ex1: Lacking: We are happy to extend you a credit line of $5,000. Better: You can now charge up to $5,000 on your American Express Card. Business readers generally prefer messages that focus on what can be done. Good you-attitude helps the reader to feel empowered.

8 You-Attitude Examples continued
Don't talk about the reader's feelings, either. Ex2: Lacking: You’ll be happy to hear that your scholarship has been renewed. Better: Congratulations! Your scholarship has been renewed. Business readers generally prefer messages that focus on what can be done. Good you-attitude helps the reader to feel empowered.

9 You-Attitude Examples continued
Avoid You in negative situations. avoid blaming the reader, Talk about the group to which the reader belongs. Ex: Lacking: You failed to sign your check. Better: Your check was not signed. Business readers generally prefer messages that focus on what can be done. Good you-attitude helps the reader to feel empowered.

10 Does you-attitude basically mean using the word you?
No All messages should use you-attitude, but the words to achieve it will change depending on the situation. In a positive message, focus on what the reader can do. Q) "We give you" lacks you-attitude, why? Avoid you when it criticizes the reader or limits the reader’s freedom. Business readers generally prefer messages that focus on what can be done. Good you-attitude helps the reader to feel empowered.

11 You-Attitude in Different Situations continued
In a job application letter, show how you can help meet the reader’s needs, but keep the word you to a minimum. Even though a job application letter is about your skills and experiences, keep the word “you” to a minimum. Instead, focus on how those skills and experiences can help the reader.

12 To Create Goodwill with Content
Be complete. Anticipate and answer questions readers are likely to have. For information the reader did not ask for, show why it is important. Show readers how the message’s subject affects them. Tailor the content of the message to the needs of the audience. In particular, be complete by giving the audience all of the information it needs to understand or act upon the message.

13 For Goodwill with Organization
Put information readers are most interested in first. Arrange information to meet your reader’s needs, not yours. Use headings and lists so that the reader can find key points quickly. Organize your information so that the most important items for the reader come first. Avoid putting the emphasis on you or your organization.

14 To Create Goodwill with Content
Organization of the message is an important to build goodwill. How? Put information -readers are most interested in- first. Arrange information to meet your reader’s needs, not yours. Use headings and lists so that the reader can find key points quickly. Since we have good news for the reader, we should put that information first. The message should be clear, easy to read, and friendly. Q) Write a message to your department head. Tailor the content of the message to the needs of the audience. In particular, be complete by giving the audience all of the information it needs to understand or act upon the message.

15 Unit Two End of Module 6 Interests: What are you interested in? What do you like to do? What do you like to think about and talk about? • Achievements: What achievements have given you the greatest personal satisfaction? List at least five. Include things which gave you a real sense of accomplishment and pride, whether or not they're the sort of thing you'd list on a résumé.

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