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MGT 4543: Compensation Management

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Presentation on theme: "MGT 4543: Compensation Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 MGT 4543: Compensation Management
Dr. Laura E. Marler

2 WELCOME to Compensation Management

3 Contact Information Professor: Dr. Laura E. Marler (Templeton) Office: 302-I McCool Hall Office Phone:   M&IS Department Phone: Office Hours: Feel free to contact me via or phone, or stop by my office at any time. Course Site: Click on “Laura Marler”, then “online grades” Mention general vs. private course website is the best way to contact me.

4 Contact Information for Graduate Assistant Graduate Assistant: Taewoo “Tae” Kim Office: 313 – B McCool Hall

5 Other considerations Accommodation
MSU seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for all qualified persons with disabilities. The University will adhere to all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student's responsibility to register with Disability Support Services and to contact faculty members in a timely fashion to arrange for suitable accommodations. Contact Information: 01 Montgomery Hall; phone ; Communication Please include “MGT 4543 – Your last name” in the subject line of any you send to me regarding this course. Remember to compose a professional .

6 A Little bit about me…

7 Course description “Three hours lecture. Compensation fundamentals, practices, and problems, including wage level determinants, wage & salary structures, merit rating, methods of wage payments, fringe benefits, & controls.” From the MSU catalogue


9 Course Objectives Understand the relationship between compensation systems and strategy Understand and apply motivational theories that deal with rewards Understand legal influences on compensation systems (e.g., Fair Labor Standards Act) Understand the use of merit pay systems

10 Course Objectives Understand internal pay equity and external pay equity as well as the tradeoffs between the two Explain the potential benefits and drawbacks of different pay-for-performance systems Identify the significance of employee benefits to both employees and employers Enhance your ability to think critically and to apply course concepts

11 Textbook required Required Course Materials (text available at Barnes & Noble on campus) Required text: Martocchio, Joseph J Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach, 9th edition. Boston: Pearson. Other assigned readings and discussion questions will be posted on the course website: (click on “Online Grades”)

12 BUY THE BOOK Buy the 9th edition of the book if you have not already!
Borrow a book if you don’t have one yet. You will need a book to PREPARE for almost every class meeting!

13 Preparing for class Check the course schedule to see what material we are covering. Let’s take a look! HOW TO FIND THE COURSE WEBSITE & ACCESS SLIDES COURSE WEBSITE: ***We use MISWEB (NOT mycourses)***


15 Click button under “online grades” NOT course website
MGT 4543: Compensation Management

16 Select correct class AND section

17 MGT 4543: Compensation Management

18 Preparing for class Sample Questions from PowerPoint Slides
Cost leadership What is cost leadership? What compensation practices fit with this strategy? Differentiation What is differentiation? A question mark in the bottom corner of a slide indicates you need to look up the answer in your book; I will call on you during class so be prepared!!!

19 Preparing for class My thoughts on how to be organized… Get a binder.
Print out slides in notes page view *Only1 slide per page with room to take notes*

20 Preparing for class My thoughts on learning strategies…
Answer questions BEFORE class. During class, take notes in a different COLOR.

21 Just a thought: Print slides in Notes View
1. Write your answers below slide in one color 2. Take notes during class in another color

22 Making the grade… Graded Activities*
20% Q & A, Class Activities, & Assignments 20% Exam 1 20% Exam 2 20% Exam 3 20% Comprehensive Final Exam Grading Scale The standard 10-point grading scheme will be used: A = % B = % C = % D = % F = % or below *Additional information about course activities will be provided during the semester.

23 Making the grade My goal = fairness
Grades are based on your individual performance rather than effort, personality, potential, or need. No student’s final grade will be increased for any reason other than calculation error. Please do not ask for extra credit or a higher grade at the END of the semester.

24 Exams There are 4 exams in this class (3 during the semester + a comprehensive final). Exams will have various types of questions including but not limited to essay/short answer-type, fill-in-the blank, multiple choice. I DO NOT give make-up exams without a University-approved reason along with documentation. Let’s discuss the final exam time*. * Final exam time is based on MSU’s exam schedule. One is included with your syllabus:

25 Attending class Attendance will be taken each course meeting.
Attendance is reported to the University. University-approved absences will not count against your participation grade provided you complete and turn in an excused absence form along with the appropriate documentation. The absence form is available on the course website.

26 Participation: Q & A and Class Activities
Your participation is worth an exam grade. This should be a good thing, but this could prove to be a challenge if you are not prepared. Missing 1 class is likely to lower your participation grade. Missing 3 classes is likely to result in 1 letter grade lower.

27 Participation: Q & A and Class Activities
Show up prepared I will call on you!!! Be able to answer discussion questions in your own words. PLEASE DON’T JUST READ OUT OF THE BOOK!!! That might put us ALL to sleep.

28 Participation: Guest Speaker Assignments
You need to attend class when there is a speaker. Students who miss will lose participation points. Test questions may come from the material discussed. Let’s make a good impression! We can make MSU stand out by…

29 Participation: Q & A and Class Activities
Most classes will have some sort of activity. Make an effort to be engaged. This is part of your grade. All participation activities are worth 3 points each. I reserve the right to adjust this number if needed; it is based on the projected number of activities & questions to be asked.

30 Participation: Q & A and Class Activities
Example: You are called on 7 times and do not answer correctly 2 times. We have 21 class activities and you complete only 20. What is your grade? Your grade = 100 – (3 (3)) = 100 – 9 = 91

31 Cell Phones & Other Technology
BRING your cell phone, tablet, and/or laptop to class. We will use technology for various activities. Be professional!

32 Potential consequences: XF, suspension, expulsion
Academic Integrity HONOR the CODE Potential consequences: XF, suspension, expulsion

33 Student Profiles

34 INTRODUCTION: What is Compensation Management?

35 REVIEW: What is Human Resource Management?
The design of formal systems in an organization to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals. What are some of the major functions of HR? __________________

36 What is Compensation? Compensation represents the _______________ and _____________ rewards employees receive from performing their jobs.

37 Compensation at MSU
Compensation - What are some of the benefits of working at MSU? __________________________________________

38 Class activity: Designing Incentive Pay Systems
Medical Resolutions (MR) handles insurance claims for larger insurance companies such as BlueCross. Call center reps from MR speak with patients who are in need of health care services. Part of handling claims involves recommending possible health care providers the patient may use. MR wants to develop a system to reward employees based on the number of low cost health care providers their patients use. Your charge is to develop an incentive plan to help MR achieve their objective. Now, critique the weaknesses of the incentive plans.

39 It’s not quitting time yet…

40 REMINDERS Purchase textbook.
Complete your student profile (if you have not). Register for MISWEB – select the correct section. Access MISWEB (go to online grades). Print out slides for next class meeting. Bring slides & answers to our next class. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

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