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1 Drugs


3 Drugs Our brain is protected by a layer of capillaries called the blood-brain barrier. The drugs that are small enough to pass through are called psychoactive drugs. Distort perceptions Change moods See/hear things not there. What is the most popular drug in America? Medicinal drugs vs recreational drugs?

4 Psychoactive Drugs a.k.a. Recreational Drugs
A drug used non-medically for personal enjoyment. Some have legitimate medical uses. (Xanax/Vicodin) Have psychological affects/changes… Sensory experiences Perception Mood Thinking Behavior Solvents (huffing) Mushrooms Opium LSD Barbiturates Amphetamines Ecstasy/Molly Cocaine Heroin Cannabis “Bath Salts”

5 Designer Drugs vs. Club Drugs
Designer drugs-drugs that were deliberately created to mimic older drugs of abuse, but with slightly modified chemical structure, in order to circumvent drug laws. Often made in clandestine laboratories and can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable in their effects. Club drugs-may or may not be designer drugs according to its original meaning. Over the past few decades, there has been a huge increase in recreational drug use at nightclubs and raves, particularly such designer drugs as ecstasy and amphetamines.

6 3 Main Ways Drugs Work Increase production/release of neurotransmitters Fill postsynaptic gap receptors Block reuptake of neurotransmitters

7 4 Major Drug Categories Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens*
Narcotics/Opiates Cannabis* Sometimes 5th category due to multiple features If a drug is used often, a tolerance is created for the drug. You will need more of the drug to get the desired effect. If you stop using a drug you can develop withdrawal symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, chills, etc.

8 Stimulants Increase activity of nervous system. Caffeine Nicotine
Amphetamines Cocaine Ecstasy* also a mild hallucinogen More powerful ones (like cocaine) give people feelings of invincibility.




12 Depressants Decrease activity of nervous system. (sedatives, calming, induce sleep) Alcohol Barbiturates Tranquilizers Valium, Xanax, Rohypnol “roofies” GHB Sense of relaxation, but many negative effects. Esp. barbiturates mixed with alcohol

13 Alcohol More than 86 billion dollars are spent annually on alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is involved in 60% of ALL crimes. Alcohol is involved in over 70% of sexually related crimes. Is it worth the cost? Toxic in large doses. Therapeutic Index (TI) Lethal dose divided by effective dose Alcohol 5-10 Marijuana 35k



16 Hallucinogens “Psychedelics” Alter perceptions of reality
LSD/Acid (similar to serotonin) Peyote (mescaline) psilocybin mushrooms Marijuana Ecstasy* also a stimulant Reverse tolerance or synergistic effect


18 Narcotics/Opiates Causes euphoria and a sense of well being - blocking out pain. Has depressive and hallucinogenic qualities. Derived from poppy plant. Morphine Heroin Methadone Codeine All these drugs cross the placental barrier….teratogens. Overdose?-Narcan/Naloxone Naturally produced endorphins are similar to morphine. Share receptor sites at synaptic gap


20 Interactive sites

21 Treatments for drug abuse
Detoxification Alcohol and narcotics esp. Maintenance programs Controlled/less dangerous amounts Narcotics=methadone Counseling Stimulant and depressant abuse Support groups Alcoholic Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, etc.

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