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Theory of nonlinear dynamic systems Practice 12

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1 Theory of nonlinear dynamic systems Practice 12
Juhász János Szélig Ádám Goda Márton

2 Cellular automata in 1D:
ca1d_3.m 28 =256 rules 88 fundamentally inequivalent rules E.g.: rule 30= Famous rules: Rule 30: pseudo random pattern Rule 90: Sierpinsky triangle Rule 110: Turing complete

3 Cellular automata 2D: Conway’s Game of Life
Rules: Cell with less than 2 neighbors: cell die Cell with more than 3 neighbors: cell die Cell with 2 or 3 neighbors: cell lives Empty place with 3 neighbors: cell is born

4 Cellular automata 2D: Conway’s Game of Life
Pattern library: lifex.m Can produce for example: Spaceships (move): e.g.: glider, spaceship Oscillators: e.g.: pulsar Game of life game: lifegenesis.m

5 Cellular automata 2D: Logic gates with Conway’s Game of Life
put_gliders.m AND and OR gates with glider guns:

6 Cellular automata 2D: epidemics (SIR) modell

7 Thank you for your whole semester attention!

8 Matlab® supplement [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) replicates the grid vectors x and y to produce a full grid. [y(2); y(1)]; [1. equ of the system; 2. equ of the system] [t,y]=ode45(equation, [t0,tmax][Xinit,Yinit]); there are other solvers as well, first we try this figure creates figure graphics objects. Figure objects are the individual windows on the screen in which the MATLAB software displays graphical output. plot(x,y,how…) drawing, has many options subplot(m,n,p) (divide the figure m*n parts, draws in the p th region) contour(X,Y,Z), contour(X,Y,Z,n), and contour(X,Y,Z,v) draw contour plots of Z using X and Y to determine the x- and y-axis limits.

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