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Discuss: How do you approach an essay in IB history?

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Presentation on theme: "Discuss: How do you approach an essay in IB history?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discuss: How do you approach an essay in IB history?

2 Essay Command Terms Compare Contrast Discuss Evaluate Examine Analyze
To What Extent

3 EA3: History of the Americas
35% of IB History grade 2 ½ hours The EA3 paper for each regional option will consist of 36 questions, consisting of two essay questions on each of the 18 sections specified. Candidate will write three essay responses Emergence of the Americas in Global Affairs The Great Depression in the Americas Civil Rights and Social Movements You are NOT required to select prompts within our area of focus, but choose wisely! Sample: Page 160 in assessment guide

4 Examine the long term causes of the First World War.

5 Compare the causes and effects of the 1837 Canadian Rebellions.

6 Evaluate Cuba’s role in the outbreak of the Spanish-American War.

7 Examine the involvement of Canada or one Latin American country in the First World War.

8 Analyze the impact of the First World War on any two countries of the Americas.

9 With reference to one Latin American country, to what extent was their response to the Great Depression effective?

10 Contrast the nature and effectiveness of Mackenzie King and Bennett’s responses to the Great Depression.

11 Discuss the reasons for opposition to President Roosevelt’s New Deal.

12 Paper 3 Student Sample With reference to at least one country of the region, to what extent was the Wall Street Crash of 1929 a cause of the Great Depression? Mark scheme: page 161-2 Grade descriptors: page 147-8 Student Sample: page 153 What score did you give the student? List three reasons why.

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