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The Renaissance People of the Renaissance The Lutheran Reformation

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1 The Renaissance People of the Renaissance The Lutheran Reformation 09/05/12 Protestant Expansion Other stuff you should know 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 09/05/12 The Renaissance - $100 Do you know your terms? During the Renaissance, A “worldly” view (less religious) emerged in the Italian city-states because of contact with the outside world. What is the term for this 'worldly' view?

3 09/05/12 What is Secular ?

4 09/05/12 The Renaissance - $200 This term – describing the reemergence of intellectual stimulation from the traditions of Greek and Roman learning, philosophy and poetry, as well as physical education -- is a huge part of the Renaissance.

5 09/05/12 What is humanism?

6 These three Italian city-states were at the heart of the Renaissance
09/05/12 The Renaissance - $300 These three Italian city-states were at the heart of the Renaissance

7 What are Florence, Milan and Venice?
09/05/12 What are Florence, Milan and Venice?

8 09/05/12 The Renaissance - $400 This book, written by the Italian Machiavelli and written in the vernacular, describes his philosophy of leadership and the role of ethics in politics.

9 09/05/12 What was The Prince?

10 09/05/12 The Renaissance - $500 This term describes the communities that emerged during the Renaissance that centered on the cultural and political life in the cities.

11 What is an urban society?
09/05/12 What is an urban society?

12 People of the Renaissance - $100
09/05/12 People of the Renaissance - $100 This Italian artist, inventor and scientist who painted the “Mona Lisa” and “Last Supper” is widely regarded as the greatest artist who ever lived.

13 Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?
09/05/12 Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?

14 People of the Renaissance - $200
09/05/12 People of the Renaissance - $200 Da Vinci painted “The Beautiful Princess” – a portrait of the daughter of the head of the powerful family that ruled Milan. What is that families name?

15 09/05/12 Who is Sforza?

16 People of the Renaissance - $300
09/05/12 People of the Renaissance - $300 This Italian Renaissance family that ruled the city of Florence was very powerful and spent a vast fortune on architecture, art and literature to revive the Renaissance.

17 09/05/12 Who were the Medicis?

18 People of the Renaissance - $400
09/05/12 People of the Renaissance - $400 This man, who restored humanist learning by recovering and revealing Latin and Greek manuscripts hidden in monastic libraries, is known as the “Father of Humanism”.

19 09/05/12 Who was Petrarch?

20 People of the Renaissance - $500
09/05/12 People of the Renaissance - $500 Another famous artist from the Renaissance was known for painting “The Creation of Adam” on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

21 09/05/12 Who was Michelangelo?

22 The Lutheran Reformation - $100
09/05/12 The Lutheran Reformation - $100 This German monk and professor challenged the Catholic church's practices and stressed the gift of God's love and the scriptures in his teachings.

23 09/05/12 Who was Martin Luther?

24 The Lutheran Reformation - $200
09/05/12 The Lutheran Reformation - $200 The Catholic Church's practice of selling these – tickets to heaven for family members who were believed to be in purgatory, offended many intellectuals that led to the Reformation.

25 09/05/12 What are Indulgences?

26 The Lutheran Reformaton - $300
09/05/12 The Lutheran Reformaton - $300 Martin Luther hammered this list to the door of the Wittenburg church in Germany – protesting how members of the church were abusing their authority and leading their followers away from Christian teachings.

27 09/05/12 What are The 95 Theses?

28 The Lutheran Reformation - $400
09/05/12 The Lutheran Reformation - $400 The Edict of _________ (a city in Bohemia [Germany]) was the decision made by the church and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V that Martin Luther was condemned as a heretic and an enemy of the state

29 09/05/12 What is Worms?

30 The Protestant Reformation - $500
09/05/12 The Protestant Reformation - $500 The Peace of ________, (another German city), agreed to by Charles V and a group of Lutheran princes, allowed both Catholicism and Protestantism to be practiced in the Holy Roman Empire.

31 09/05/12 What is Augsburg?

32 Protestant Expansion - $100
09/05/12 Protestant Expansion - $100 This man brought Protestantism to Zurich – and established the first major city in Europe dedicated to Protestant management

33 09/05/12 Who was Ulrich Zwingli?

34 Protestant Expansion - $200
09/05/12 Protestant Expansion - $200 John Calvin, arguably the most influential early Protestant along with Martin Luther, escaped Catholic France and established his “City of God” in this Swiss city.

35 09/05/12 What is Geneva?

36 Protestant Expansion - $300
09/05/12 Protestant Expansion - $300 Calvinism differed with Martin Luther's church doctrine on this belief – that God selects who is saved without regard to good deeds in life. What is that belief called?

37 What is Predestination?
09/05/12 What is Predestination?

38 Protestant Expansion - $400
09/05/12 Protestant Expansion - $400 This group of radical Protestants rejected the state's power over religion and created their own communites. Persecuted in Europe, many came to America to find religious freedom.

39 Who are the Anabaptists?
09/05/12 Who are the Anabaptists?

40 The Protestant Reformation - $500
09/05/12 The Protestant Reformation - $500 Responding to the Lutheran Reformation, the Catholic Church made some changes. A big one was the creation of this Catholic order led by Ignatius of Loyola that was loyal to the pope and went around the world doing missionary work.

41 09/05/12 Who are the Jesuits?

42 09/05/12 Other Stuff - $100 The Northern Renaissance was fueled by this type of humanism – that fused the classic intellectual stimulation of Greek and Roman times with religion

43 What is Christian Humanism?
09/05/12 What is Christian Humanism?

44 09/05/12 Other Stuff - $200 Instead of being written in Latin, many humanist books were written in this – the locally spoken and written language.

45 09/05/12 What is vernacular?

46 09/05/12 Other Stuff - $300 The most influential Christian humanist was this man, who developed the “Philosophy of Christ” and was the 'egg that Luther hatched.'

47 Who was Desiderius Erasmus?
09/05/12 Who was Desiderius Erasmus?

48 09/05/12 Other Stuff - $400 This King brought Protestantism to England – partly because he wanted to divorce his queen and the Catholic Church wouldn't allow it.

49 09/05/12 Who was King Henry VIII?

50 09/05/12 Other Stuff - $500 The Catholic Counter-reformation ended at a Council (or meeting) in this city bordering Germany and Italy – reaffirming Catholic teachings and opposing Protestant beliefs.

51 09/05/12 What is Trent?

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