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Julie Neenan & Marie Lancaster

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Presentation on theme: "Julie Neenan & Marie Lancaster"— Presentation transcript:

1 Julie Neenan & Marie Lancaster
A practical approach to using Business Process Mapping (BPM) in libraries Julie Neenan & Marie Lancaster

2 Schedule Introduction & Definition What we did & why?
Illustrative examples Lessons learnt / impact Practical task – your turn to try! Further reading

3 What is Business Process Mapping?
A method of illustrating the sequence of steps or activities that deliver an output or achieve a business goal. e.g. reserving a book.

4 What we did in Tech Services?
Training with ‘Business Improvement Services’ (BIS) 4 sessions over a month Using real life LMS examples Included peer review and homework

5 Why?


7 Example: cup of tea anyone?

8 How to make a Cup of Tea

9 Stage 1……

10 Stage 2……

11 Stage 3……

12 Stage 4……

13 What can a map show us?

14 What was the impact?

15 “[useful] to help explain our processes to other colleagues”
“it enables you to stop and think about your processes .. and the visual element makes it easier to identify overlaps” “[useful] to help explain our processes to other colleagues”

16 “the start of a culture shift in Tech Services”
“…we can map our aspirational processes to ensure that we continue to review and improve” “the start of a culture shift in Tech Services”

17 “The group experience … was valuable
“The group experience … was valuable. It encouraged us to support each other … and helped raise awareness of each other’s working practices and how they fit together”

18 Over to you: bake us a cake!

19 Practical Task Spend 5 minutes noting down the steps you would take in order to bake a cake for a loved one’s birthday, with start and end point Then… turn to your neighbour …spend 10 minutes discussing your approaches and mutually agree on the process to bake a cake. Map it on the paper provided.


21 Further information / reading
Process Consultant – YouTube Channel: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN): Contact: Julie Neenan Marie Lancaster @JulieNeenan @GingergalWales

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