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In the Name of God, the Compassionate , the Merciful

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Presentation on theme: "In the Name of God, the Compassionate , the Merciful"— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Name of God, the Compassionate , the Merciful
Women’s Political Participation: Issues, Challenges and the Way Ahead By Mrs. Fayyaz Director of the Office of Cultural Studies Majlis Research Center

2 Women’s Political Participation: issues, Challenges and the way Ahead Presentation by Dr. Fayyaz, Director of the Office of Cultural Studies Majlis Research Center Women’s Political Participation: Issues, Challenges and the Way ahead

3 Introduction In most societies, women’s shares in the official
political structure and process, particularly in cases where decisions regarding the use of societal resources generated by both men and women are made, remains insignificant.

4 Socio-Structural Constraints of Women’s Political Participation
Uncertainly felt on the part of the society and specially of men as to women’s role and empowerment, Social structures current Glass-Ceiling over social structures, Women’s lower managerial experience, Women’s incapability to create an appropriate networking system to ease their access to higher positions, Dual pressure shouldered by them as result of their heavy responsibilities at home, Legal restrictions.

5 Focus of International Instruments on Political
Focus of international instruments on political participation constraints Participation Constraints Beijing declaration of 1995 referring to “inequality” and women in sharing of power and decision-making at all levels” as one of the serious hindrances under the 12-fold critical area of concern and the commitments undertaken by the participating states in the Fourth World Conference on Women to enhance presence of women in all decision-making bodies and processes.

6 The need for greater attention to women’s representation in parliament and their access to political positions : Effective and direct role of women in promoting women status in the society , Women parliamentarians constitute a linkage between the needs and challenges facing people and decision-making sphere.

7 Quantity-oriented approach, Disregarding merits,
An Evaluation of Governments’ Approaches to Enhance Women Representation in Parliament: Optional and Mandatory Gender Quota system, Quantity-oriented approach, Disregarding merits, Looking to women as a political instrument, Controversies over compulsory quota system.

8 Model of women political participation in the Islamic
Republic of Iran The Islamic Republic of Iran has developed a new concept of women political participation by paving the grounds for using women capacity in management. In this model, women political participation together with their obligation toward family and the children has realized.

9 The Emphasis Laid by the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Enhancement of Women Political Participation: According to Imam Khomeini, women should interfere in political affairs to safeguard their society just as men do. Women should participate in socio- political activities shoulder to shoulder of men.

10 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Legislative policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Legislative Policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Eliminate Gender Constraints Hindering Political Participation of Women The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Requiring elimination of any form of discrimination against women, Placing emphasis on Equal Rights of men and women, Special support of women and family institution.

11 Charter of women’s rights and responsibilities in the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Special emphasis on the rights of women to be elected to parliament and various councils, - Emphasis on women’s contribution in policy-making, legislating and management.

12 Adoption of measures to increase awareness of women and their studies,
Policies to be followed by the Islamic Republic Policies to be followed by the Islamic Republic of Iran for elimination of gender constraints facing women’s political participation Adoption of measures to increase awareness of women and their studies, Access of women to political and managerial positions.

13 Challenges facing women’s political participation in parliaments
Challenges facing women’s political participation in parliaments from the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran Challenges facing women’s political participation in parliaments from the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran 1) Weak Role of Women under Legal and Structural Constraints due to : - Poor Social Culture, - Legal restrictions facing women’s representation in parliament, - Women’s lack of self-confidence.

14 2) Focus of International bodies on quantitative increase of women
-Failure to consider qualitative efficiency of women in parliament.

15 Recommendations: It Is Recommended:
The 4th International Seminar for Parliament Research Service is recommended to encourage all the participating countries to adopt mechanisms for enhancing women’s efficiency in parliament.

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