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One example of a faculty development program

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1 One example of a faculty development program

2 Historia 1 Months ago, I was walking (WOK king) around the facilities of the virtual hospital while a laparoscopic colon (colon = KO lin) program was runnign. I had the curiosity to ask one of the participants (par TISS sip pints) about her experience during the training program. She was astonished andI asked her why she was so astonished.”you know, after seveal actifvities on this topic, I finally realized why and how to perform this technique (technique = tek NIIK)... wow, that’s interesting (IN tris ting) and I’m wondering why now, here... she responded: because here, the instructors (in STRUCK ters) have guided (GUY did) us during the experience and have also encouraged us to reflect on what we are doing here, and that was my aha momento... That conversation validated my vision about what HvV is: NEXT SLIDE

3 Our mission is “creating a learning space to promote the highest level of expertise to healthcare providers without putting any patient at risk” Explain the type of programs through the pictures: laparoscopic, robotic, pregraduate and team training. HvV serves a University Hospital, faculty, residents and nurses from the Hospital Programs for physicians from the whole of Spain  Instructor training from Spain and Latinamerica

4 How can we promote change in healthcare providers?
Our goal is to promote change among healthcare providers... This learning space has the goal of transforming people, our activities has the taste of transformational programs Connect your message with the pictures How can we promote change in healthcare providers?

Experimenting, having the opportunity to take risks and make mistakes without putting any patient at risk... in other words, it’s a kind of play with specific goals... sometimes I wonder if we are experimenting enough, I don’t think so, the production pressure makes as go straight to the patient in some occasions without Transformative experiences... we don’t want our participants to get experience, we want them to become experts, and to achieve this, we follow this process Expertise vs experience reflective practice reflective practitioners help students to build awareness EXPERIMENTING AND REFLECTING ON THE EXPERIENCE

6 Instructor training & talent is the key
Clinical experts Clinical educators Choice: Stuff or Instructors My answer: Instructors instructors need to train to become educators, which are the levels of our instructors? Emphasize being a clinical expert is not enough to promote change at the hvv I believe another set of knowledge, skills and attitudes are important These are not clinical skills and come from other disciplines as Education, Pychology, Organizational Behavior As director, I have to make decisons about the investments at HvV, and sometimes the dilema is to choice between some stuff, technology or invest in activities for our instructors to grow...

7 How we do this process? Training as educators
Experience, practice, mentoring Deliberate practice as an educator It’s a transformational movement, where the teacher becomes student, and each of them goes trough a deliberate process: 1-We train them in an intensive transformational education program that helps new instructors see the world through a new approach as educators, and revolutionizes their role as educators 2-Getting experience: applying the concepts otherwise is meanless, is like a surgeon who can not apply a technique.... 3-Becoming experts by deliberate practice

8 1.Training as educators Design activities based on experiential learning theories Manage the learner experience Building a ¨safe container¨ Coaching and reflection in action Debriefing and reflection on action Safe container: an environment where it is safe to take interpersonal risks e.g., seek the right answer without fear of being scolded or made to feel stupid

9 1 Training as educators Intense 4-day learning experience, a transformational experience that gives participants basic tools to work as clinical educators,,, that helps new instructors see the world through a new approach as educators, and revolutionizes their role as instructors

10 1.Entrenamiento como docentes
Working closely with CMS ... We have transported the curriculum from English to Spanish and developed a Spanish group of IMS instructors ... we are doing now in Spain and Latinamerica we have the same structure and the result is the same explain the concept: difference between cultures but the result is the same... Four expert educators and clinicians who have run the course in English and Spanish y todos han sido en EEUU por tiempo, we understand the culture in the usa and spain, hemos pensado en los conceptos y no hemos visto diferencias...

11 2. Experience, practice, mentoring
Give instructors the opportunity to apply their skills Observing how experts run a course (30h) Runing a program with a mentor (30h) meaningless number of courses as observers number of courses as fellows

12 3. Deliberate practice as an educator
Systematic process with mentor aimed to improve educator skills One on one conversations Advanced workshops The director of faculty development program is working with 18 instructors on this process, 8 of them are surgeons, We want our teachers to practice delibertaly the same we want our students to practice, we don’t want to put our studentsat riskwe don’t want our participants to put patients harm put our teachers beyond their confort zone with harming studen

13 Hospital virtual Valdecilla
This process is also helping to improve the learning environment and the real hospital as well, and then a learning organization... thank you !! Ignacio del Moral Hospital virtual Valdecilla Thanks to Robert Simon, education director at the CMS my mentor and excellent educator

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