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INDIA 2600BC settled in Indus River Valley Around for 700yrs Mostly farmers Two main cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro: Grid-shaped, plumbing system with.

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Presentation on theme: "INDIA 2600BC settled in Indus River Valley Around for 700yrs Mostly farmers Two main cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro: Grid-shaped, plumbing system with."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDIA 2600BC settled in Indus River Valley Around for 700yrs Mostly farmers Two main cities Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro: Grid-shaped, plumbing system with baths and drains and water chutes to underground sewers

2 Were trading with Sumer: cotton, cloth, grains, copper and pearls
Were trading with Sumer: cotton, cloth, grains, copper and pearls. 1750BC quality of life went down. Severe flooding ravaged cities. By 1700BC many cities along Indus river abandoned.


4 Kingdoms of the Ganges At the time of decline people from Central Asia had started migrating into NW India Spoke Indo-European languages related to English and other European languages. Inter-married and called themselves Aryans

5 Aryans Made iron tools and walled cities. Most info comes from Vedas: hymns, poems and religious teachings. Was oral for 1000s of years before written down.

6 Aryan Society Social Class divided by occupation: Priests Warriors
Herders, farmers, artisans and merchants Farm workers, servants and other laborers Dalits- all the jobs no one else would do Over time developed into a caste system-born into occupations and cannot leave it. Aryan Society

7 Were polytheists Over time developed ideas of Brahman- power that lived through all things. Some Aryans became mystics- searchers of spiritual truth

8 Used water control systems.

9 CHINA Chinese isolation from other civs brought belief of China being center of the Earth called “Middle Kingdom.” Outside world blocked by: high mountains, brutal deserts, thick jungle and Pacific Ocean. Started civ in Huang He Valley

1650BC Shang come to power ruled until 1027BC when overthrown by Zhou Dynasty-ruling family. Ruled until 256BC

11 To justify overthrow of Shang, Zhou promoted idea of Mandate of Heaven-divine right to rule. Expanded into dynastic cycle- rulers become corrupt Heaven withdraws support and dynasty falls.

12 Religion Complex by Shang times-prayed to many gods and nature spirits Overtime Ancestor Worship became center of religion bring good fortune

13 Universe reflected a balance- yin (linked to earth and female forces) and yang (Heaven and male forces)

14 Science and Technology
Studied: planet movement, eclipses. Accurate calendar developed. Bronze making, silk making Under Zhou made the first books with strips of wood or bamboo and drew on flat surfaces. By 265BC China large, wealthy and highly developed

Some people say the Great Wall is sixteen hundred miles long and others say it is 3600 miles long. What accounts for this large difference? The first Chinese Emperor was Shih Huang-ti, began linking smaller walls together to create the Great Wall. What kind of ruler was the first emperor? Support your answer with examples.

16 3. All together about how many people worked on the Great Wall
3. All together about how many people worked on the Great Wall? What was their living and working conditions? 4. When the author of this selection visited the restored section of wall near Peking (Beijing) to what did he compare the sight of the wall in the distance?

17 5. Besides being a tourist attraction, what purpose does the Great Wall serve today?

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