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Knowledge and Representation

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge and Representation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge and Representation
The Age of the Printing Press

2 Two Missing Men

3 The Return of Gutenberg and Franklin January 2013

4 What is a Book?

5 Egyptian Papyrus 200 CE

6 The Oldest Paper Book, China 250 CE

7 Chinese Bamboo Book

8 Stylus and Wax Tablet, Pompeii

9 Reading a Scroll

10 From Scroll to Codex “A codex is composed of many books; a book is of one scroll. It is called codex by way of metaphor from the trunks of trees or vines, as if it were a wooden stock, because it contains in itself a multitude of books, as it were of branches.” Isidore of Seville, Etymologies VI.13 (7th century CE)

11 Monastic Scriptorium

12 The Medieval Codex

13 The Paper Revolution?

14 Gutenberg’s innovation
Johannes Gutenberg (ca ) Strasbourg Mainz

15 The Art of Artificial Writing

16 The Gutenberg Bible

17 What does printing do that a manuscript doesn’t?

18 What does a manuscript do that a printed book doesn’t?
Johannes Trithemius, abbot of Sponheim ( ), In Praise of Scribes (1494): “It is the scribes who lend power to words and gie lasting value to passing things and vitality to the flow of time.” “The printed book is made of paper and, like paper, will quickly disappear.”

19 Leon Battista Alberti on printing, ca. 1466
“It happened that we greatly approved of the German inventor who in these times has made it possible, by certain pressings down of chracters, to have more than two hundred volumes written out in a hundred days from an original, with the labor of no more than three men; for with only one downwards pressure a large sheet is written out.”

20 Illustrated Incunabula, 1461

21 The Renaissance Printing Press

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