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Section 8 Address Translation March 10th, 2017 Taught by Joshua Don.

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1 Section 8 Address Translation March 10th, 2017 Taught by Joshua Don

2 Definitions Virtual memory: A memory management technique in which each process believes it has access to a full set of virtual addresses. The OS maintains a mapping of virtual addresses to physical addresses. Benefits: Memory isolation between processes, easy to understand from point of view of process Downsides: More overhead and extra logic to convert a virtual address to a physical address Page table: A data structure used by the OS to map virtual addresses to physical addresses Multilevel page table: Your 61C page table on steroids TLB (translation lookaside buffer): A cache for recently accessed page table entries

3 What is a virtual address?
Suppose a 16 bit virtual address space Process uses the address: VPN Offset Use VPN as index into the page table. Grab the PPN at that index Physical address is PPN + Offset

4 11100 Physical address 100100

5 Recall from 61c: Single level page table
Each entry in the page table contains the PPN, as well as some extra info bits (modified, present, access modifiers, etc.) Page table size grows with number of virtual pages

6 Some formulas Virtual address bits = VPN bits + Offset bits
Physical address bits = PPN bits + Offset bits Offset bits = log2(page size) VPN bits = log2(number of PTE in page table) PPN bits = log2(number of physical pages) PTE bits = PPN bits + Extra bits (dirty, valid, etc.) # PTE per page = page size / PTE size # physical pages = physical memory size / page size

7 Recall from 61c: TLB The TLB is a cache for the page table


9 Multilevel page tables
A page table entry either points to the actual data page, or it points to another page table Split the virtual address into several VPN fields, where the i’th VPN is the index into the i’th level page table Now, we don’t need the entire page table in memory (we only need a small part of it), because we’ve split it up We also don’t need to allocate space for the entire page table at the start; allocate pages for the page table as necessary

10 Multilevel page tables
Virtual address of the form: Physical address 1110 1010 1111

11 Inverted Page Tables The size of a page table normally scales with the size of virtual memory In an inverted page table scheme, page table size is instead determined by the size of physical memory (usually MUCH smaller!) Inverted page table is a global system page table One entry per physical page Each entry contains a list of (PID, VPN) Linear inverted page table Search through each entry until find an entry matching (current PID, VPN) Slow search Hashed inverted page table Hash the PID/VPN to get the entry of the page table O(1) lookup, but more overhead with hashing algorithm

12 Virtual address

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