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Approach to Upcoming Operating Systems and Browsers

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1 Approach to Upcoming Operating Systems and Browsers

2 New Versions of Supported Operating Systems (except Chromebooks)
AIR intends to support a new version of a currently supported operating system within 90 days of official release. This is done by actively subscribing to beta and development channels supported by the manufacturer to complete testing ahead of any future releases. Unfortunately AIR cannot guarantee support until an official version is released, and testing and issue resolution are complete. In some cases, we have been able to support new versions much more quickly. For example, we were able to support OSX Mavericks within 2 weeks of official release. In other cases, support has taken longer than 90 days due to stubborn security issues (e.g., Windows 8.1 on tablets). Note: Support of new operating systems sometimes requires a new secure browser.

3 New Versions of ChromeOS
AIR works collaboratively with Google on new versions of ChromeOS, which are released about every 6 weeks. AIR provides “presumptive support” We do not block new versions from accessing the site. Minor versions often work out-of-the-box without software modifications on AIR’s side, but occasionally issues will need to be resolved depending on the change from the manufacturer. We cannot guarantee that these new versions will work, and the state reserves right to prohibit testing on some ChromeOS versions if they introduce significant security holes, bugs, or other problems. In the past new versions have occasionally introduced significant problems, including: Disabling the ability to display math equations; Disabling text-to-speech We were able to resolve these problems in 1-4 weeks in the past. Note: Support of new operating systems sometimes requires a new secure browser.

4 New Versions of Supported Browsers (for Test Administration and Training Tests)
Similar to the ChromeOS policy; AIR provides “presumptive support” for manufacturers that release a new browser every six weeks or so (e.g.; Mozilla and Google) We do not block new versions of these browsers from accessing the site. Manufacturers who release their browsers annually (Apple and Microsoft) typically make a significant number of changes and as such require up to 90 days to support although this is often much less. We do block new versions of these browsers from accessing the site until they are tested and all issues are resolved.

5 New Mobile Devices AIR intends to support new versions of currently supported devices 90 days after they are released. E.g.; iPad 4 to iPad AIR Similar, but distinctly different products are tested and certified on their own merit and may not be supported. E.g.; iPad mini AIR does not block users from using new versions of supported devices unless dictated by state policy.

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