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Dynamic Web Application Deployment

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Web Application Deployment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Web Application Deployment
Instructor: Dr. Zhang Presenter: Ningfang Mi Date: Nov

2 Outline Motivation Challenge of Dynamic Content Approaches Discussion
ESI CSI ACDN Discussion Conclusion Reference

3 Motivation Caching Important tool to deal with the rate of requests to Internet servers Reduce network congestion Reduce page display time Client-centric: proxy caching Server-centric: reverse proxy caching content delivery network (CDN) Limitation: mostly oriented toward static content

4 Dynamic Web Pages Static Web pages are not ENOUGH!
More and more pages contain dynamic content News headlines, stock information, current temperature …… Good news: a more compelling experience for the end-user an easier development model for the application designer Bad news: Bad for caching!

5 Dynamic component

6 Challenge of Dynamic Content
Web developers frequently use technologies like JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Active Server Pages (ASP) to design their applications But when traffic on Web sites increases, the computing overhead can result in increasing delays and failures in data delivery

7 Challenge of Dynamic Content (2)
Dynamic content places significant strain on traditional Web site architectures the same infrastructure used to generate the content is used to deliver the content

8 Challenge of Dynamic Content (3)
Generating dynamic content typically incurs: network overhead as user requests are dispatched to appropriate software modules that service these requests processing overhead as these modules determine which data to fetch and present disk I/O as these modules query the back-end database In short, building dynamic Web pages is computationally expensive

9 Challenge of Dynamic Content (4)
Two major issues: Site Experience and Effectiveness dynamic content, abandon rate, download speed Site Cost Structure investments to support scalability, reliability, performance, system management, etc. One more problem: How to facilitate caching for dynamic Web pages?

10 Approaches Caching dynamic responses and on mechanisms of timely invalidation of the cached copies Assembling a response at the edge from static and dynamic components Edge Side Includes (ESI) assembling Client Side Includes (CSI) assembling Application distribution networks, running complete applications at the edge of the network Application Content Delivery Network (ACDN)

11 Fragment-based Technologies
Dynamic pages are not all dynamic Most bytes are in a static page template Dynamic fragments are a small fraction of the entire page Different portions have different properties Template: slow-changing content Fragment: fast-changing content

12 Full page: news headlines: stock quotes: 30731 bytes 927 bytes (3%)
Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Full page: 30731 bytes news headlines: 927 bytes (3%) refetched every few hours stock quotes: 1231 bytes (4%) refetched every minute

13 Reassembling Fragmented Page
Historically, page is assembled at origin sites using ASP, JSP, Server-Side Includes. Edge Side Includes Language An XML-based mark-up language A mechanism to assemble page from different components at edge servers (reverse proxies) Separate cache control for each component Independently download changed fragments

14 Akamai’s Approach for ESI-encoded Contents
Origin server Edge server Browser GET / GET / Full page Full page No ESI Edge server (template cached) Origin server Browser GET / GET /frag1.html Full page Frag1 Page Assembly ESI with edge-side page assembly

15 ESI -- Benefits and Limitation
Key Benefits of ESI extends the performance and cost-saving benefits of Web caching and content delivery services Bottleneck of the Last Mile A large majority of Web users still rely on dial-up connections. Network traffic & revenue analysis: 79% of consumer subscribers as of March 2002. Jupiter Media Metrix, Aug 2001: 59% of the predicated on-line households in the US in 2006. ESI does NOT help dial-up customers! The speed of the last mile dominates the page display time.

16 Client-Side Includes (CSI)
Key idea: Assemble page in the browsers Dramatically reduce user response time Not need browser modifications or configurations. Use existing technologies inside Internet Explorer Page parsing and assembly: JavaScript Retrieval of page components: ActiveX Free to use or not use a CDN Without: client  origin server directly With: client  edge server  origin server scalable delivery of page template and fragments Traffic reduction between client and edge server

17 Page Assembly Alternatives
Edge server Origin server Browser GET / GET / No ESI Full page Full page Page Assembly GET / GET /frag1.html ESI with edge-side assembly Full page Frag1 (template cached) (template cached) GET /frag1.html GET /frag1.html ESI with client-side assembly Frag1 Frag1 Page Assembly

18 ESI vs. CSI Same markup language (ESI) ESI assembling: CSI assembling:
Reduces bandwidth and server load CSI assembling: Reduces connectivity costs at origin server (less load and bandwidth). Reduces CDN-related costs (less bandwidth from edge to clients). Reduces browser download times (less bandwidth at last mile).

19 Implementation of CSI Implement CSI for the prevalent browser only (Microsoft Internet Explorer MSIE) Resort to edge-side or server-side page assembly for all other browsers

20 Implementation (with a CDN)
Javascript: assemble a Web page ActiveX: download page component Wrapper: invoke Javascript and pass it the URL of the requested page Browser Edge server Origin server GET / Typically satisfied from client’s cache Wrapper (cacheable, immutable for given page) GET CSI Javascript (cacheable, same for all pages) Obtain fragments using ActiveX Obtain fragments Using HTTP

21 Performance Evaluation
Synthetic pages: random generated contents Sizes: 20K, 60K, 100K Template (80%) + four fragments (5% each) AT&T page: One template, two fragments Wall Street Journal page: One template, three fragments

22 Display Time of Synthetic Pages
Over dial-up links nothing cached ESI processing overhead CSI script cached Template cached Conclusion: Substantial reduction in display time across all page sizes

23 Bandwidth Reduction AT&T Page WSJ Page Full Page 30731 (100%)
79608 (100%) Page Template 28661 (93%) 56324 (71%) Current Time N/A 55 (0%) News Headlines 927 (3%) 20161 (25%) Stock Quotes 1231 (4%) 3166 (4%) All numbers are in bytes Conclusion: CSI can achieve significant reduction in bandwidth when the templates are cached in the browser.

24 Limitation of CSI The need to download the wrapper increases latency when first time access the page. Sequentially and synchronously downloading fragments may slow down page assembly. Javascript downloads the template and all fragments only from the same Web site. Some pages that are well suited to ESI assembly may not be amenable to CSI. Accessed by very many clients Once per client over a long interval

25 Application Content Delivery Networks (ACDNs)
Currently CDN provide access to static and streaming content Proxy caches can improve the delivery Unique CDN value: Delivering dynamic content Proxy can’t cache the dynamic content An Application CDN (ACDN) Deploy the application on a single computer Replicate or migrate the application as needed

26 Issues of ACDN Application distribution framework
Dynamically deploy a replica Keep consistency of replicas Content placement algorithm Decide which applications to deploy where and when Request distribution algorithm Decide how to distribute requests among replicas System stability – reach a steady state Bandwidth overhead – create replicas

27 Architecture Overview
Standard Web server CGI scripts Start-up Load reporter Repl target Repl source Updater Decision process Local replicator Application Metafile Server Keep track of application replicas Server Local replicator Central Replicator Compute request distribution policy Load-balancing DNS Client Client Client

28 Architecture Overview
Invoked by system administrator when a new ACDN server on-line CGI scripts Start-up Load reporter Repl target Repl source Updater Decision process Local replicator Application Metafile Server Server Local replicator Central Replicator Load-balancing DNS Client Client Client

29 Architecture Overview
Invoked by central replicator and report load of the server CGI scripts Start-up Load reporter Repl target Repl source Updater Decision process Local replicator Application Metafile Server Server Local replicator Central Replicator Load-balancing DNS Client Client Client

30 Architecture Overview
CGI scripts Start-up Load reporter Repl target Repl source Updater Decision process Local replicator Application Metafile Server Periodically examine every application to decide replicate or delete Server Local replicator Central Replicator Load-balancing DNS Client Client Client

31 ACDN Components Application distributed framework
Dynamically create and delete application replicas based on demand Maintain replica consistency Content placement algorithms Request distribution algorithms

32 Application Distributed Framework -- Metafile
Two parts in a metafile: A list of all files comprising the application along with their last-modified dates An initialization script (or a URL of the file with the script) ran by the recipient server before accepting any request Metafile Executable file FILE /home/applications/mapping/query_engine.cgi 1999.apr.14.08:46:12 FILE /home/applications/mapping/map_database 2000.oct.15.13:15:59 FILE /home/applications/mapping/user_preferences 2001.jan.30.18:00:05 Two Data files SCRIPT mkdir /home/applications/mapping/access_stats setenv ACCESS_DIRECTORY /home/applications/mapping/access_stats ENDSCRIPT Create a directory Set the environment variable

33 Application Metafile A metafile is treated as a static Web page with its own URL. Using a metafile, the application distribution framework can be implemented over standard HTTP. Operations of framework: Replica creation Replica deletion Replica consistency Migration = creation + deletion

34 Replica Creation Initiated by the decision process on the source server Query for least-load server Central Replicator Return the least-load server overload Source Server Target Server Invoke the repl target CGI script URL of the application metafile

35 Replica Creation Initiated by the decision process on the source server Central Replicator Query for least-load server Return the least-load server overload Source Server Target Server Invoke the repl source CGI script URL of the application metafile

36 Execute initialization script
Replica Creation Initiated by the decision process on the source server Unpack Install Execute initialization script Central Replicator Query for least-load server Return the least-load server overload Source Server Target Server Tar file of application

37 compute request distribution policy
Replica Creation compute request distribution policy Initiated by the decision process on the source server DNS Server Update Central Replicator Query for least-load server New replica Return the least-load server overload Source Server Target Server

38 Replica Deletion Initiated by the decision process on a server with the replica compute request distribution policy Mark the replica as “deleted” Delete it after the TTL Not the last replica Central Replicator DNS Server Source Server query to delete Deletion update Permission to delete with DNS TTL Confirm with DNS TTL TTL: delay for the application requests arriving due to earlier DNS responses

39 Consistency Maintenance
Only deal with the developer updates Three issues: Replica divergence: conflicting updates Only update the primary application replica Replica staleness and replica coherency Missing updates and updates not to all files If detect the cached metafile not valid, then download the new metafile and copy all modified objects from the primary server

40 ACDN Algorithms Application distribution framework
Content placement algorithm Decide which applications to deploy where and when Request distribution algorithm

41 Content Placement Algorithm
Executed periodically by ACDN server Make a local decision on deleting, replicating, migrating its applications For each application app: (1) If demand below Deletion threshold, delete app unless the only replica; (2) If demand from another server’s region exceeds Deletion threshold and replication benefits are likely to exceed transfer overhead, try to replicate there; (3) If demand from another server’s region exceeds 50% of total and migration benefits are likely to exceed transfer overhead, try to migrate there; Improve proximity of servers to client requests

42 Content Placement Algorithm (2)
If server is overloaded: (1) Find the least-loaded server from central replicator; (2) Replicate some applications there if the load at the least-loaded server is above the deletion threshold (3) Otherwise, migrate some applications there if its projected load after receiving the application will remain acceptable (below LW) Achieve load balancing among servers

43 ACDN Algorithms Application distribution framework
Content placement algorithm Request distribution algorithm Decide how to distribute requests among replicas

44 Request Distribution Algorithm
Goal: Never skip the nearest non-overloaded server and yet reduce oscillations in request distribution iDNS: load-balancing DNS server Request distribution policy (R, Prob(1), …, Prob(N)) Prob(i) is the probability of selecting server i for a request from the region R

45 Request Distribution Algorithm(2)
Three phases: Assign the probability to each server based on its load Examine all servers with a replica of the application in the order of the increasing distance from the region Normalize the probabilities of these servers so that they sum up to one

46 Initial probabilities:
Set prob(i) = 0 for all i Loop through the replicas in order of decreasing proximity if load(i) < LW prob(i) =1.0 exit else if LW <= load(i) < HW prob(i) = (HW – load(i)) / (HW – LW) Adjustments to distance from region R: remainder = 1.0 Loop through the servers with a replica of the application in order of increasing distance from region R prob(i) = prob(i) * remainder remainder = remainder – prob(i) Final probabilities: if sum of all > 0 prob(i) = prob(i) / sum of all else prob(i)=1/n, where n is the number of replicas

47 ACDN Performance -- Request Distribution
Three servers with decreasing proximity to all clients Server 1 is the closest, server 2 is the next closest, server 3 is the farthest. HW=1000 request/second LW=200 request/second Start with 10 clients, gradually increase to over server capacity, then decrease back to 10 clients ACDN, pure random and CDN brokering CDN brokering: select the closest one with load < 80% of its capacity

48 Random Prefect load balancing Unnecessary high latency ACDN Efficient using proximity information Avoid overloading the replicas CDN brokering Consider both load and proximity But not as well as ACDN

49 ACDN Performance -- Content Placement
10% of servers are in “hot” regions with 90% of demand 90% of servers are in “cold” regions with 10% of demand The set of hot regions changed every 400 seconds, see how the system adapts. Two other algorithms: Static: a replica is created when the simulation starts and is fixed through the simulation Ideal: can get instantaneous knowledge of hot region and replicates or deletes application.

50 Network bandwidth consumption Response Latency
static static ACDN ACDN Ideal Ideal Network bandwidth consumption Response Latency Conclusion: Quickly adapt to the set of hot regions and significantly reduce network bandwidth and response time

51 ACDN Performance -- Redeployment Threshold
Low threshold  more replicas response latency overhead High threshold  less replicas response latency overhead Conclusion: threshold that are either too high or too low result in increased bandwidth consumption

52 Discussion Fragment-based techniques reduce bandwidth because only modified fragments are needed to transfer and most part of dynamic page are still static. How about a totally dynamic page with frequently changed fragments? ACDN only consider read-only application. How to deal with consistency when user updates the application data?

53 Conclusion Static Web pages are not ENOUGH! ESI CSI ACDN
reduces bandwidth and server load but not help dial-up customers! CSI reduces load and bandwidth at origin server, bandwidth from edge to clients, bandwidth consumption over the last mile and decrese browser download time. But not good for some pages that are accessed by very many clients but once per client over a long interval ACDN A middleware platform for providing scalable access to Web application Unique CDN value: dynamic Web page

54 Reference Michael Rabinovich, et. al., “Moving Edge-Side Includes to the Real Edge—the Clients” Proceedings of the 4th USENIX Symposium on Internet Technology, 2003. Michael Rabinovich and Zhen Xiao, “Computing on the Edge: A Platform for Replicating Internet. Applications “, Proceedings of WCW'03, 2003. Arun Iyengar, Jim Challenger, “Improving Web Server Performance by Caching Dynamic Data”, USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, 1997. Fred Douglis, Antonio Haro, Michael Rabinovich, “HPP: HTML Macro-Preprocessing to Support Dynamic Document Caching “, USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, 1997.

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