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Political Revolutions

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1 Political Revolutions
** Caused by a government failing to meet the needs of the people!!!!

2 Glorious Revolution (England, 1688)
Causes Effects Magna Carta Puritan Revolution Established Parliamentary Democracy Bloodless change of power Rise of Limited/ Constitutional Monarchy English Bill of Rights Democratic Reforms

3 Political Philosophies Spur Revolution
Era of Absolutism- Peter and Catherine the Great- Akbar the Great- Suleiman the Magnificent- Louis XIV Political system with ONE monarch: high taxes, strong military, NO LEGISLATIVE BODY Enlightened Despot Westernized Russia, gained warm-water ports India, very tolerant of diverse religions Ottoman Empire: modernized military and laws, Muslim France: Palace of Versailles  bankrupt, divine right

4 Political Philosophies Spur Revolution
Enlightenment- John Locke- Voltaire- Montesquieu- Rousseau- Intellectual movement focused on human logic and reason; change relationship btwn people and gov’t NATURAL RIGHTS!!! People have right to overthrow gov’t if they’re not being met Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly Checks and Balances; 3 branches of gov’t; More people power The Social Contract, believed in the will of majority

5 French Revolution (1789-1799) Causes Effects
Death of King  creation of democracy Reign of terror Rise of Napoleon  spread of nationalism  defeat by Russia’s geography Congress of Vienna (balance of power) Enlightenment American Revolution Absolute Monarchy Rigid Estate (class) system Economic Problems

6 Russian Revolution (Bolsheviks, 1917)
Causes Effects Absolute Monarch (Czar) Russo-Japanese War and WWI Bloody Sunday Poor peasants Lack of Industrialization Rise of Communists (Bolsheviks) Creation of a communist state (Soviet Union) Persecution of Dissenters Lenin’s New Economic Policy (some private ownership)  Stalin’s Five Year Plan (collectives and Increased industrialization)

7 Chinese Communist Revolution (1949)
Causes Effects Communist state under Mao Zedong  Great Leap Forward  Cultural Revolution Equality of women Deng Xiaoping- economic freedom (Four Modernizations) but not political (Tiananmen Square) Foreign (Japan) Imperialism Chinese Civil War (Communist v. Nationalists) - Communists win support of peasant and women

8 Iranian Revolution (1979) Causes Effects Corrupt Shah
-Islamic Fundamentalist Gov’t led by Ayatollah Khomeini (Islamic Fundamentalism  movement that opposes Westernization and supports traditional Islam) -U.S. Hostage Crisis - Anti-Iraq, Anti-West, Anti-Secular (Secular = non-religious Corrupt Shah Anti-Western feelings Rise in Islamic Fundamentalism

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