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What is a successful short-term mission

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Presentation on theme: "What is a successful short-term mission"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Next Step: From Mission Tourist to Global Partner Cameron Graham Vivanco
What is a successful short-term mission? How do we know if it is worth it?

2 Youth World exists to identify, train and equip leaders to impact young people and their families to be disciples of Christ

3 Short Term Mission Trip
Why would we not want to use the word ‘TRIP’?

4 Process of STM Pre- Field On- Field Post- Field Starting Date
There is no ending date

5 Quality of leadership is of the highest importance
Pre-Field Your motivation for going greatly determine what happens when we get there, and The better you are prepared the more everyone will benefit from your experience Research Planning Strengths Needs Team Building Quality of leadership is of the highest importance

6 Who is this about? There are four groups that should be positively impacted by a STM: Those who host the team Those with the suitcases The community around the hosts The community around the team (suitcases)

7 Go as prepared so that you can return prepared as you can be

8 The 5 Fs (Adapted from Lisa Espineli Chinn, Reentry Guide for Short Term Mission Leaders, Orlando: DeeperRoots Publications p. 14) 1- Fun (honeymoon) Fun “I can’t wait for a hot shower” “I never thought a hamburger would taste so good” You’re excited to be home, and sleep in your own bed. The world is rose colored. You can’t wait to share what you have seen and done.

9 The 5 Fs 1- Fun (honeymoon) 2- Flee (avoidance)
“Everyone here is so busy. Life seems so fast” “No one seems to be interested in my experience. They only ask me, “How was your trip?” You get frustrated by how materialistic, impersonal and busy life seems to be. You don’t want to let go of the magic of it all. You don’t want to reconnect, not just yet. You feel alone only want to be with those who get it, who really understand, your team. People seem to be preoccupied with petty concerns, and silly issues-compared to the faith in God, joy and community you witnessed on your trip. You wish you could return. Somehow life felt more real, more solid, more significant there than it does here. 2- Flee (avoidance)

10 The 5 Fs 1- Fun (honeymoon) 2- Flee (avoidance) The is a personal flee
There can also be a corporate flee. Acts 3. 2- Flee (avoidance)

11 The 5 Fs 1- Fun (honeymoon) 2- Flee (avoidance)
“People seem to take their faith so much more seriously over there” “I am never taking a hot shower again” Christianity vs. Churchianity 1- Fun (honeymoon) You get ticked off with your home culture. It may manifest in depression or in fighting usually in insignificant ways. Even the church seems to foster a self-indulgent, self-preoccupied spirituality. You’re becoming highly critical of life in the US, and speak out against what you see. When you’re silent, you find yourself feeling spiritually superior, like you understand better than others. 2- Flee (avoidance) 3- Fight (anger, criticism)

12 The 5 Fs 1- Fun (honeymoon) 2- Flee (avoidance)
3- Fight (anger, criticism) 4-Fit In (tolerance or indifference) $$ Aborted process

13 The 5 Fs An aborted process: Fit
It is not fun anymore, I have to reconnect, and I am too tired to fight. The pressure to fit in: You are just done. You fit in again, and it takes too much energy to try to keep it all alive. You have to reconnect with friends, family, job, school. The memories are beginning to fade and you haven’t been able to find ways to live differently in light of what you’ve experienced. You promised you would write the people you were with, but… The longing for another short-term mission trip: You find yourself longing for another short-term mission trip. Maybe that will help you recapture the feeling of your life counting for the Kingdom that you experienced before. That might stimulate your spiritual growth and draw you back into a sense of community. An aborted process: Unfortunately, many people stop here. This ends their re-entry process. Their trip remains a great memory.

14 The 5 Fs 1- Fun (honeymoon) 5-Fruit 2- Flee (avoidance)
(creative engagement) 2- Flee (avoidance) 3- Fight (anger, criticism) 4-Fit In (tolerance or indifference) Aborted process

15 Fruit It should be your goal from the moment you begin the process of preparing for a STM to work toward this stage in the re-entry process. How is your life going to be different for having gone on a STM? What is God working on in you through this experience that will change how you life for the kingdom afterward. This is where the vocabulary can change from ‘spending/ wasting’ money through a STM, to ‘investing/multiplying resources’ through STM.

16 The World as a Classroom Dr. Tim Dearborn
What can I learn about God? 2. What can I learn about myself? 3. What can I learn about the people of God, about the church, about community? 4. What can I learn about how culture impacts the way we live and understand the Gospel? 5. What can I learn about justice, economics, poverty, and politics? 6. What can I learn about what it means to be a follower of Christ? 7. What can I learn about a globally appropriate lifestyle (stewardship)? 8. What can I learn about my calling in life, work, and ministry?

17 Debriefing EVERY DAY Debrief is not for the last 2 days, or the airport, it has to be part of every day, to see what God has taught you and is asking of you. It can be joint with your hosts. It is your best time of education, and that leads to long term impact.

18 Partnership The second half of how we define success in Youth World for STM revolves around the idea of: Reciprocal Partnership VS. Mutual Using

19 Partnership Who is the Body of Christ? “We are all…. EQUAL.”
Do we really, I mean really, believe that?

20 4 Challenges adapted from Roberto Guerrero, Dominican Republic
Die to your: - Intellectual prejudice -Cultural prejudice -Spiritual prejudice -Self-seeking Ambition

21 Transactional: We help each other.
One Way: We help them. Transactional: We help each other. Transformational: We NEED each other to understand who God is, be more like Him, to grow in Chirst-likeness… AS USED BY WORLD RELIEF

22 I just got so much more than I received…
We are here to give, to bless… It is more blessed to give or receive? Benevolent oppression, down hill power cycle.

23 How to facilitate on-field partnerships …
Mutual planning ahead of time On site orientations Morning devotions- alternate leadership. Frequent check-in/evaluations Mutual Teaching, posture of a learner Mutual Prayer

24 Reciprocal Partnership vs. Mutual Using
What can I get out of this? Check it off your guilt list Helping Get the resources Body of Christ Give and Receive Serving People more important than program

25 Contact info

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