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Contesta en español con oraciónes completas:

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Presentation on theme: "Contesta en español con oraciónes completas:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contesta en español con oraciónes completas:
¿A qué hora te despertaste esta mañana? ¿Comiste el desayuno? ¿Usaste la computadora esta mañana? ¿Pasaste tiempo con amigos hoy?

2 Demonstrative Adjectives
Remember: demonstrative adjectives are used as a way to specify the nouns being spoken about. Some demonstrative adjectives in English are this, that, these, and those. This and these refer to things that are close to you, and that and those refer to things that are farther away.

3 In Spanish, demonstrative adjectives we have been using already are:
este, esta, estos, estas - this/these ese, esa, esos, esas - that/those [“This and these have the Ts”] Remember that the endings agree with the nouns that are being referred to.

4 In Spanish, to refer to something or someone that is far from both the speaker and the person being spoken to, you use a form of aquel, which means “that one over there.” Here’s a comparison of the three demonstrative adjectives and their meanings: Singular Plural este / esta this estos / estas these ese / esa that esos / esas those aquel / aquella that one over there aquellos / aquellas those over there

5 All demonstrative adjectives come before the noun and agree with the noun in gender (masculine / feminine) and number (singular / plural). esta blusa - this blouse esos pantalones - those pants aquellas camisas - those shirts over there

6 ¡A practicar! How do you say…: those zapatos over there
this computadora those anteojos that libro

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