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Vocabulary List 13 -Militarism -Nationalism -Propaganda -Contraband -Triple Alliance(p 184)) -Triple Entente (p. 185) --Zimmerman Telegram (p 187)

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary List 13 -Militarism -Nationalism -Propaganda -Contraband -Triple Alliance(p 184)) -Triple Entente (p. 185) --Zimmerman Telegram (p 187)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary List 13 -Militarism -Nationalism -Propaganda -Contraband -Triple Alliance(p 184)) -Triple Entente (p. 185) --Zimmerman Telegram (p 187)

3 World War I The Many Causes of WWI

4 I. Background A) 19th Century
French and Germans fight in Franco-Prussian War France lost, will forever hate Germany Austria-Hungary created B) Militarism - build up of military to scare neighbors Britain always had largest navy Germany builds up navy in 1898 Arms race between two begin C) Alliances formed Triple Alliance = German Empire + Austria-Hungary + Italy Triple Entente = France + Great Britian + Russia


6 I. Background (Cont…) D) Other Relevant Alliances: 1) Serbia & Russia
2) Belgium & Great Britain 3) Southern Slavic People - Serbs, Bosnians, Croats & Slovenes 4) USA & Great Britain (Anglo Saxonism) E) Important Events to know: 1) 1817 Serbia gains independence from Ottoman Empire 2) 1908 Bosnia annexed by Austria-Hungary, pissing off Serbia Why? Serbia nationals wants to make Southern Slavic state


8 II. Complex Web of Alliances
How WWI Happened: 1) 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary *(A-H) is assassinated by a Serbian 2) Austria-Hungary declares War on Serbia 3) Russia (allied with Serbia) mobilizes against Germany / A-H 4) German Empire a) declares war against Russia & France (Triple Entente) c) Invades Belgium to get to France first 5) Britain, allied with Belgium, declares war on Germany / A-H **Germany wants to fight and beat France first so it can take on Russia after**

9 Video on Assassination of Franz Ferdinand pt 1

10 Video on

11 III. Alliances → Powers Allied Powers
Triple Entente (Russia/France/GB) Italy joins in 1915 Central Powers Germany & A-H Ottoman Empire War on Two Fronts of Germany/A-H: Western - GB/France vs. Germany Eastern - Russia vs. Germany/A-H

12 Fronts

13 IV. USA’s Role A) From 1914-1916 Neutral Public favored the allies
American banks loaned $2,000,000,000 (billion) to GB Without Allied Power victory, money never paid back B) USA Enters war. Three reasons: 1) Germans use U-boats to sink civilian ships around GB 1915 GB Ship Lusitania - 1,000 die, including 128 ‘mericans This is called Unrestricted Submarine Warfare 2) 1917 Zimmerman Telegram - German official entices Mexico to wage war against USA in return for NM, TX, AZ” 3) Germany did not think USA could raise army + bring to EU in time, so U- boats sunk all ships heading to GB in effort to starve GB. C) USA Declares war on Geramy/A-H 4/2/1917

14 Video on USA Entering Its called US Troops enter WW1

15 V. m = 1,000,000 people. A) Central Powers:
1) German Empire - Kaiser Wilhelm II 64m total population 13m in Army 2.4m died 2) Austria-Hungarian Empire - Franz Joseph I 51m tot pop 8m army 1.5m died 3) Ottoman Empire - Mehmed V/VI 21m tot pop 3m army 3m died

16 V. m=1m (cont) B) Allied Powers 1) France - Raymond Poncare
40m total population 9m army 1.6m died 2) Great Britian - George V 60m tot pop 8.8m army 1.2m died 3) Russia - Tsar Nicholas II 175m tot pop 12m army 3.7m died

17 V. m = 1,000,000 C) USA - Woodrow Wilson 92m Total Population
4.7m Army 117,000 died

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