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What are subject pronouns?

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1 What are subject pronouns?
The subject of a sentence is a person or thing that performs the action of the verb. Carlos is intelligent and Carlos is also handsome. (Carlos=Subject) Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject (person or thing) of a verb. Carlos is intelligent and he is also handsome. (he = subject pronoun) Saying the word “Carlos" twice is repetitive and does not sound natural, so we replace the Subject (Carlos) that appears the second time with a subject pronoun to avoid repetition.

2 Subject Pronouns Yo = I Tú (informal) = You
Pronombres Personales Yo = I Tú (informal) = You Él / Ella / Usted (formal) (Ud.) = He / she / you (formal) Nosotros (as) = We (males or mixed) / We (females) Vosotros (as) (only used in Spain) = You all (male or mixed) / You all (females) Ellos (as) / ustedes = They (male or mixed)/ They (females)/you all

3 Points to keep in mind about Subject pronouns
Pronouns are the subject of a verb In Spanish, subject pronouns can be singular or plural, and they can be masculine, feminine, or gender neutral.

4 Points to keep in mind about Subject pronouns
Spanish subject pronouns are both similar to and different from their English counterparts. Let’s examine some of the differences. - In Spanish there are two forms for –you- (tú, usted); - There are also two forms for -you all – - There are masculine and feminine forms for -they- -you all- and –we- -the subject pronoun –he- and –you (informal) have accent marks: él and tú.

5 recap “Usted” is more formal and is generally used to express respect.
“Tú” is more familiar and is used among friends, coworkers, relatives, or when addressing a child. Speaking to your boss: usted Speaking to your daughter: tú Speaking to your teacher: usted Speaking to your friend: tú This same distinction with regard to degree of formality occurs in the plural form as well. When referring to “you-all,” there are two choices in Spanish: Ustedes = you-all formal Vosotros = you-all familiar (only used in Spain).

6 Additional resources Quiz: Video explanation:

7 The verb “ser” = to be I am Yo soy You are Tú eres
S.P (English) Subject Pronouns + verb I am Yo soy You are Tú eres He is / She is / You are Él es / Ella es / Usted es We are Nosotros (as) somos You all are Vosotros (as / Spain) sois They are Ellos (as) son / Ustedes son

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