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Welcome to the Czech Republic the country of

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Czech Republic the country of"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Czech Republic the country of
Historical cities Fertile vineyards Picturesque mountains Talented people

2 The Czech Republic Welcome to the Czech Republic

3 Area 78,866 km2 Population 10,513,209 Capital City Prague


5 Coat of arms of the Czech Republic

6 Czech flag

7 The Czech president Ing. Miloš Zeman
The first directly elected president He has been in his office since 8th March 2013

8 Important Czechs Charles IV He was Czech king and Roman emperor
In 1348 he founded Charles University Many sights in Prague were built under his reign e.g. Charles Bridge He built the castle Karlštejn

9 Important Czechs Tomáš G. Masaryk
He became the first president of Czechoslovakia in 1918 Otto Wichterle The scientist who invented contact lenses

10 Important Czechs He was a writer and playwright
Václav Havel He was a writer and playwright He was the leader of the Velvet Revolution in 1989 After the revolution he became the president of Czechoslovakia and later of the Czech Republic

11 Czech economy Most important industries Car industry Engineering
Electronics Glass industry Food industry Tourist industry

12 Škoda auto Car industry „Simply clever“
Cars have been made in the CR since 1895 Seat of Škoda auto is in Mladá Boleslav The second bigggest employer in theCR Since 1991 part of concern Volkswagen It sold cars in 2012

13 Glass industry Cut glass Bohemian crystal

14 Food industry

15 Prague The capital and the biggest city in the CR
Its population is about 1.2 million inhabitants Seat of the president, government , parliament Charles University , Czech Technical University Cultural center of the country

16 Prague Prague Child Jesus – Bambino di Praga
You can see it in The Church of Our Lady Victorious in the Lesser Town This wax statue came to Prague in the 17th century from Spain with Polyxena of Lobkovicz

17 Prague - historical city with sights from different architectural styles
Romanesque Basilica of Saint George

18 Gothic - St. Vitus Cathedral

19 Carolinum - the oldest part of Charles University

20 Renaissance - the Royal Summer Palace

21 Baroque - Church of St. Nicholas

22 Neo-Renaissance – the National Theatre

23 Art-nouveau – the Municipal House

24 ???

25 Cubism - House of the Black Madonna of God

26 Modern architecture – Dancing House

27 May I now ask you : Who is the best known Czech goalkeeper?
On which country does the CR border In the north? In which century did Charles IV found Charles University? From where did Bambino di Praga come?

28 Thank you for your attention
Enjoy your stay in our beatiful city

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