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Knowledge and social order

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1 Knowledge and social order
JOÃO CARAÇA WAAS, Dubrovnik, Oct./Nov. 2016

2 evolving structures.../ changing social order…
XIV Renaissance / gunpowder / paper / ‘France’, ‘Italy’ XV Discoveries / linear perspective / printing press / Portugal, Florence, Venice [subject & object] XVI Circumnavigation / mechanics / optics / Portugal, Spain, Venice [ethics & politics] + [light & vision] XVII Westphalia /academies of science / United Provinces, France, UK [public & private] +[theology & philosophy] + [space & time] + [matter & mind] XVIII Liberalism / progress/ France, UK, Austria [state & church] + [science & philosophy] XIX Nation state / modern universities / UK, Prussia [economy & society] + [ownership & production] XX Social state/ technoscience / 2 cultures / US, USSR [home & work] + [science & technoscience] XXI Globalization / cultural macedoine / big data / ??? [&&&&&&…] … from feudalism to capitalism water mills wind coal oil WORK IN PROGRESS. DO NOT QUOTE

3 evolving structures of knowledge…
XIV Renaissance / gunpowder / paper / ‘France’, ‘Italy’ XV Discoveries / linear perspective / printing press / Portugal, Florence, Venice [subject & object] XVI Reformation / mechanics / optics / Portugal, Spain, Venice [ethics & politics] + [light & vision] XVII Modern science /academies of science / United Provinces, France, UK [public & private] +[theology & philosophy] + [space & time] + [matter & mind] XVIII Enlightenment / progress/ France, UK, Austria [state & church] + [science & philosophy] XIX Industrialisation / modern universities / UK, Prussia [economy & society] + [ownership & production] XX Electrification / technoscience / 2 cultures / US, USSR [home & work] + [science & technoscience] XXI e-networking / cultural macedoine / big data / ??? [&&&&&&…] ... leading to changing values & a separation of cultures

4 evolving techno-economic structures …
Source: Freeman & Louçã, 2001 … forced by the winds of creative destruction

5 … human nature is unchanged
history does not repeat itself… it is human ambitions and mistakes that repeat themselves generating cycles of human behaviour …

6 the crisis of modernity showing the prevalence of :
uncertainty complexity

7 complexity means the impossiblity of separating:
the system from its context the living being from its environment the object from the measuring instrument

8 ... a changing role for universities
-- from the top of the education system -- to the base of the innovation system ... scholars and academics are invited into becoming entrepreneurs » loosing, of course, a significant part of their autonomy and of their academic initiative !!

9 many disruptive factors in the horizon …
major crises weakening existing institutions → under way a major war for resources → under way a fading-out of the university system in Europe → not yet, but needs critical attention a new techno-economic paradigm being first implemented in a non-Western country → not yet, but needs critical attention a new set of values : no longer transform nature, but live together→ not yet, but devastating if not led by democratic beliefs if all this points to a crisis in the values of citizenship the answer must also be cultural: a new culture of global citizenship aiming at creating common good.

10 … and today mounting individualism … growing inequality …
increasing violence … pervasive exclusion … will capitalism care about education? curiosity? beauty? humanity? or just, will it make us pay even for our rights?

11 Society is the source of Power
Power must preserve fear, controlling the use of force, not to destroy the substance that nourishes it [consent by the people] Power is exercised through violence [force] and construction of meanings [authority] Power is relational, power relationships are framed by domination [i.e. the power embedded in the institutions of society]






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