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Islamic view of God Learning Objectives: To be able to explain:

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Presentation on theme: "Islamic view of God Learning Objectives: To be able to explain:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Islamic view of God Learning Objectives: To be able to explain:
What Muslims believe about God Why Tawhid is important Key words Shahadah Islamic declaration of faith Tawhid belief in the oneness of Allah Qur'an the holy book of Islam 13 May, 2018

2 Starter activity Imagine you are going on a journey on camel across the Sahara desert. You can only take three types of items with you. List what you would take and why you would take it.

3 Islam What do you remember?
Watch the video clips and answer the following questions How many practice Islam? What does the word Islam mean? What does Muslim mean? Who founded Islam? What line of prophets ? Who is Allah? Why is Mecca important?


5 What does the SHAHADAH mean to muslims? Discuss
Many Muslims, life can be seen as an incredible task such as crossing a desert, Those who follow Allah's message will be given everything they need to survive and led to safety.

6 What is the TAWID ? All life is connected with Allah Message is in the Quran TAWHID - TALKING TO GOD In the Qur'an, it states that there are 99 names by which humans can know Allah - each one reveals something different about the nature of Allah.

7 The Most Compassionate All Peaceful, the one who makes peace The King
Plenary For each name, describe the circumstances that you think would make that the most appropriate name to use in addressing Allah. The Most Compassionate All Peaceful, the one who makes peace The King The Almighty The Most Holy The Forgiver How might the 99 names for Allah make it easier for Muslims to talk to Allah every day?

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