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All About Jeff Kinney By Destiny Moore.

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1 All About Jeff Kinney By Destiny Moore

2 Biographical Information
Jeff Kinney was born in 1971 in Maryland Plainville. He attended the University of Maryland in the 1990s. Kinney ran a comic strip called Igdoof in the campus newpaper. Then he knew he wanted to be a cartooist Kinney was not successful in getting his comic strip syndicated after college. In 1998 he was writing down ideas for Diary of a Wimp Kid, which he hoped itto trun into a book. Kinney currebly has a full -time job as the design director of a Bostion-based Interent publishing company. Where he created Poptiopica .com, Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife and two sons.

3 List of books Diary of a wimpy kid Diary of a wimpy kid Rodrick Rule
Diary of a wimpy kid The last Starw Diray of a wimpy kid Dog Days

4 More List of Books Diary of a wimpy kid Do- It- Yourself Book The wimpy kid Movie Diary Diary of a wimpy kid The Ugly Truth Diary of a wimpy kid Cabin Fever

5 Three thing Kinney is great at:
Humor Plot ridiculousism

6 A Interview with Jeff Kinney
Interview with the Awesome Jeff Kinney :)

7 Kinney's Birthplace

8 Kinney 's Current house

9 Kinney Time Line 1971 - Jeff Kiney was born
1998 -Jeff started writing ideas for Diary of a wimpy kid 2007- Jeff publish his first Diary wimpy kid One of kinney last book was Diary of a wimpy kid Cabin Fever was publish 2011.

10 Graph

11 Diary of a wimpy kid Rodricck Rules

12 Diary of a wimpy kid Rodricck Rules

13 Diary of a wimpy kid Rodricck Rules

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