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Quiz # 7th Meeting.

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1 Quiz # 7th Meeting

2 # 7th Meeting Quiz Learn the text. Determine dependent (DEP) and independent (INDEP) for each clause in the text below. The People’s Princess Diana, Princess of Wales, was born in Norfolk, England, in 1961 and died in Paris, France, in People around the world were fascinated by the transformation of this shy kindergarten teacher into an independent, self-assured young woman. Her sudden death in a car crash while being chased by photographers prompted worldwide discussion and grief. Diana Spencer was born to a wealthy, upper-class English family and educated in private schools in England and Switzerland. Because she loved children, she became a kindergarten teacher, leading a quiet life in London. However, when she met Charles, Prince of Wales, her life changed dramatically. After she and Charles married in 1981, her life as the wife of the future king of England began.

3 She gave birth to two sons and became active in charity work
She gave birth to two sons and became active in charity work. Although Diana’s life should have been a happy one, it was not to be. She and Charles began having marital problems, separating in 1992 and agreeing to divorce in 1996. Diana, who worked very hard at her job as princess, supported many causes, especially those related to children and AIDS victims. Even though she lived for only a short time, she touched people all over the world because of her beauty, her compassion for others, and her style. (Taken from Hogue. 1999: 164)

4 References Hogue, Ann Academic Writing. NY: Addison-Weasley Publishing Company Inc. Oshima, Alice Writing Academic English. NY: Addison-Weasley Publishing Company Inc.

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