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Objectives of keeping Livestock

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1 Objectives of keeping Livestock
Livestock Structures: A facility primarily designed and constructed or remodeled to house animals with the overall aim of increasing productivity. Livestock: Domesticated animals kept under human control. Examples include: Dairy cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and poultry Objectives of keeping Livestock Food supply source Raw materials Manure supply Transportation Religion and culture Social aspects Sport and recreation Employment and income

2 Benefits of Livestock Structures
Reduction of drudgery Protection for animals Individual and national benefits Environmental factors affecting animal performance Temperature Relative Humidity Ventilation Light Heat and Moisture

3 Livestock Structure (Case Studies)
Poultry, cattle and swine: Poultry: Site selection: The site must be well drained and be in a good location. It must be near to sources of adequate water which must be in good quality and quantity. Ventilation must be adequate and protected from strong winds Provision of foot-dips at entrances, wire netting and trenches where applicable Disease control must be achieved by good sanitation and medical facilities. Construction details: The poultry house must be aligned in the east-west direction. Floors may be made from gravel or well drained soil or concrete Roofing materials can include corrugated metal sheets (cheap, durable) Construction should be in done to aid sanitation and proper disposal of waste, dead birds etc.

4 Examples of Livestock Structures
Shed and yards Battery cage Barns Hen basket Deep litter house

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