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Hierarchical Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Images

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1 Hierarchical Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Images
Jean-Marie Beaulieu Computer Science Department Laval University Ridha Touzi Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada

2 Hierarchical Segmentation of Polarimetric SAR Images
Hierarchical Image Segmentation As a maximum likelihood estimation problem Segmentation of polarimetric images Segment sizes – shape constraints Results

3 Image Segmentation is the division of the image plane into regions
Two basic questions: 1- What kind of regions do we want ? 2- How can we obtain them ? Homogeneous regions Segment similarity Algorithm design

A hierarchical segmentation begins with an initial partition P0 (with N segments) and then sequentially merges these segments. level n+1 level n level n-1 Segment tree


6 Sequence of segment merges.

1) need a partition of the image 2) need statistical parameters 3) need an image probability model xi are conditionally independent

8 Given an image the likelihood of is The segmentation problem is to find the partition that maximizes the likelihood. Global search – too many possible partitions is derived from statistics calculated over a segment s.

9 The maximum likelihood increases with the number of segments
Can't find the optimum partition with k segments, Pk Too many, except for P1 and Pnxn. Hierarchical segmentation  get Pk from Pk+1 by merging 2 segments.

10 Stepwise optimization
examine each adjacent segment pair merge the pair that minimizes the criterion

11 Sub-optimum within hierarchical merging framework.
Merging criterion: merge the 2 segments producing the smallest decrease of the maximum likelihood (stepwise optimization) number of segments Sub-optimum within hierarchical merging framework.

12 Log likelihood form Summation inside region Criterion  cost of merging 2 segments minimize

Multi-channel image – 3 complex elements each element has a zero mean circular gaussian distribution Complex gaussian pdf ( is the covariance matrix) x* is the complex conjugate transpose of x

14 The best maximum likelihood estimate of  is the covariance calculated over the region (segment)
ns is the number of pixels in segment s

15 LML for a region s is constant term for the whole image

16 The variation produced by merging 2 segments is
Hierarchical segmentation: at each iteration, merge the 2 segments that minimize the stepwise criterion Ci,j

Test the similarity of segment covariances Ci = Cj = C - merge segment with same covariance Use the difference of determinant logarithms as a test statistic With the scaling factor K, the statistic is approximately distributed as a chi-squared variable with 6 degrees of freedom as nsi and nsj become large.

18 Segmentation by hypothesis testing
Two hypothesis H0: segments are similar H1: segments are different Distributions of the statistic d under H0 and H1 Two types of errors Type I: not merging similar segments Type II: merging different segments

19  = Prob( Type I errors )  = Prob( Type II errors )
Select the threshold to minimise  or , but not both simultaneously

20 In hierarchical segmentation, type II errors (merging different segments) can not be corrected, while type I errors can be corrected later on. The distribution of H1 and  are unknown. Reduce  by increasing .

21 Sequential testing:  will be reduced as segment sizes increase
Sequential testing:  will be reduced as segment sizes increase. 1+2+…  minimum( 1, 2, … ) 1+2+…  maximum( 1, 2, … )

22 Stepwise criterion Find and merge the segment pair (i, j) that minimizes Vi,j (= 1 -  ).
Vi,j = Prob( d  di,j ; H0 ) (= 1 -  ).

23 Amplitude values |hh| |hv| |vv| |hh| / |hv| / |vv| 80 pixels / cell

24 Correlation – module (0 – 1)
hh vv* hh hv* vv hv* hh vv*/ hh hv*/ vv hv*

25 Correlation – phase (-180o – 180o)
hh vv* hh hv* vv hv* hh vv*/ hh hv*/ vv hv*

26 Amplitude image

27 1000 segments

28 500 segments

29 200 segments

30 100 segments

31 Amplitude image 5 pixels / cell

The determinant |C| is null for small segments Reduce covariance matrix model for small segments

33 Gradual transition between models

High speckle noise  first merges produce ill formed segments Bonding box – perimeter Cp Bonding box – area Ca Contour length Cl New criteria

35 Bonding box – perimeter

36 Bonding box – area

37 Contour length

38 1000 segments – low resolution

39 1000 segments

40 500 segments

41 200 segments

42 100 segments

43 CONCLUSION Hierarchical segmentation produces good results
Criterion should be adapted to the application Good polarimetic criterion The first merges should be done correctly

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