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Jacques Haïssinski, LAL on behalf of the ThomX Collaboration

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Jacques Haïssinski, LAL on behalf of the ThomX Collaboration (1+49)th Moriond Rencontre

2 OUTLINE The Thom-X scheme (X-ray factory) Storing photons
Storing electrons Making them collide A flood of X-rays: For which purposes? Institutions/management

3 The ThomX X-ray factory Construction will start this year, 1rst beam: 2017
A design based on Compton back-scattering electron bunch Goal : X-rays/second E = keV Interaction region photon bunch

4 Storing photons Alfred Pérot Charles Fabry Challenges
incoming laser bunches X-ray beam 1017 photons interaction point Challenges Laser/cavity synchronization: bunch length ~3 mm (10 ps) Waist dimension ~70 mm Precise alignment and mechanical stability of the mirrors Power on the mirror surfaces ~ MW 2.1 m

5 Storing electrons linac
(R. Wideröe, D. Kerst), Gerry O’Neil, Gersch Budker, Bruno Touschek (e+), Wladimir Baier (e+)… RF and feedback section Injection / extraction section IP 1 ~ 8 m Ne ~1010, E = 50 – 70 MeV linac Challenges: low energy –>no damping –> beam heating due to the Compton back-scattering process –> 50 Hz injection rate

6 Making photons and electrons collide

7 APPLICATIONS Bio-medical imaging (K-edge digital subtraction imaging (KEDSI) method ) Radiotherapy Materials science: diffraction and spectroscopy experiments Cultural heritage investigations Laser+optical cavity: High energy g ray beams

8 The ThomX multidisciplinary collaboration
Centre des Lasers Intenses et Applications European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences Institut Néel Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire Laboratoire d’Archéologie Moléculaire et Structurale Synchrotron SOLEIL Thalès Electron Devices Institutions Project leader: Alessandro VARIOLA –> Hugues MONARD Deputy project leader: Alexandre LOULERGUE Management People in charge of systems: E. Cormier, M. Jacquet, A. Loulergue, R. Roux, F. Zomer Group leaders: L. Cassinari, J.-N. Cayla, P. Cornebise, M.-E. Couprie, N. Delerue, Ph. Gauron, P. Labasque, M. Lacroix, M. Langlet, A. Lestrade, A. Loulergue, P. Marchand, B. Pieyre, C. Prévost




12 Partenaires Publics Id Nom Prénom Acronyme Nom Unité Dép. Ville 3
Walter Philippe LAMS Lab. Archéo. Molécul. & Struct. 75 Paris 4 Cormier Eric CELIA Centre Laser Intenses et Applications 33 Talence 5 Estève François GIN Grenoble Institut Neuroscience 38 La Tronche 6 Hodeau Jean-Louis Institut Neel Grenoble RST : A. Variola H. Monard …

13 Partenaires Privés Id Nom Prénom U.R. Nom unité Dep. Ville 2 Loulergue
Alexandre SOLEIL Synchrotron Soleil 91 Gif/Yvette 7 Leduc Géraldine ESRF Europ. Synchr. Reas.Facility 38 Grenoble 8 Sierra Serge TED Thales Electron Devices 78 Velizy

14 positron électron régions de collisions


16 The ThomX X-ray factory in construction at LAL
Goal : a compact X-ray source with a yield of 1012 particles/second of energy between 50 and 90 keV




20 Challenges ,


22 The ThomX X-ray factory Construction will start this year, 1rst beam: 2017
A design based on Compton back-scattering electron bunch Goal : X-rays/second E = keV Interaction point photon bunch

23 The ThomX X-ray factory Construction will start this year, 1rst beam: 2017
A design based on Compton back-scattering electron bunch Goal : X-rays/second E = keV Interaction point photon bunch

24 The ThomX X-ray factory Construction will start this year, 1rst beam: 2017
A design based on Compton back-scattering electron bunch Goal : X-rays/second E = keV Interaction point photon bunch

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