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Published byNancy Adams Modified over 6 years ago
Measurements of associated W/Z plus heavy flavor production in pp collisions at LHC
CMS Collaboration IFT seminar – Physics at LHC 9th of May, 2017 Juan Pablo Fernández Ramos(CIEMAT). CMS-PAS-SMP (
Introduction Measurements of σ(pp⇾Z/W+c/b)
Tests pQCD predictions. Results sensitive to hard scattering process & associated soft QCD radiation (input to theory refinement & validation of MC techniques) Allows better understanding of proton structure. Vector boson+HV jets tests PDF for s,c,b Background to some SM processes and in searches We use Z/W leptonic decays modes. Clean signatures with low level of backgrounds and sufficient amounts of data (selection efficiency ~ 10 %). 2 Intrinsic Charm-quark component inside the proton enhances σ(Z+c) @ ↑pt(Z)
Samples and Strategy : How are the measurements done from the experimental point of view ?
Reconstruction of the event
From the experimental point of view ...
Reconstruction of the event
What type of collision(s) could have produced such a final state?
Charged particles deposit part of their energy in the material
LHC collisions are more like these
Samples 8 DATA: 2011 7 TeV ( 5 fb-1 ) or 2012 8 TeV ( 20 fb-1 )
MC: W/DY+jets generated w. MADGRAPH + PYTHIA Cross section normalized to σ(pp⇾Z/W+X) at NNLO calculated with FEWZ Primary signal contribution:g-g & q-q processes (<5% from MPI) Main backgrounds: - Contributions from ttbar, diboson, Z+light processes (from simulations, ttbar can be taken from data) Clasification: according to the flavour of the gen. level jet (gen jet) Gen jet is b-flavoured if b-hadron c-flavoured if c-hadron and no b-hadron (light otherwise)
Analysis strategy: Identify heavy hadrons in final states by taking
Z → l+l−, W+→l+ν with pT(l)>20 GeV &|η(l)|<2.1 SV-mass SMP (Z+b) Dilepton invariant mass: [70,110] GeV Identify heavy hadrons in final states by taking advantage of long life of heavy hadrons: Displaced tracks or tracks forming a SV Lepton in jet (charm and bottom analyses) Exclusive decays in jet (D*+/- and D+/- in charm analyses) pTjet >25 GeV & |jet|<2.5 9 Charm hadrons decay weakly (with decay lenghts > 100μm) LO diagram for Z+c(c) production
b/c/l separation (discriminants)
SV-mass SMP (Z+b) Invariant mass of all charged particles attached to the reconstructed secondary vertex JP : likelihood estimate of prob. of jet constituents to come from primary vertex The larger the IP of a track the more incompatible w.r.t. PV JP discriminant from BTV Template modeling: - sometimes is data driven - others from MC but corrected with data - or from MC 10 Z+b calibrated with data sample enriched in top (eμ) prior to signal extraction. The calibration strategy validates the shape and vertex efficiencies in simulation.
Modeling from data (Selection of W+c)
For Z+c, templates from c-jets taken from W+c production. W e plus jets with similar identification of heavy flavor OS–SS subtraction to remove symmetric backgrounds After OS-SS subtraction the purity in W+c of the resulting sample is > 90% JHEP (W+c) 11
More template modeling from data
- For Z+c,Z+b,W+b,W+c templates from b-jets taken from tt production. Using a sample where the two W bosons from the top(antitop) quark decay leptonically into leptons of different flavour. Identification of heavy flavor: muon inside the jet 12
Cross section determination
Signal extraction & cross section Total # of observed Z/W+c/b extracted from a ML or χ2 fit of the Z/W+c/b templates to the experimental distributions of vertex mass, JP or any other used discriminants. E.g. Z+c: ni = Number of events in data NiZ+c, NiZ+b = Number of Z+c, Z+b Z+light, ttbar, Dibosons subtracted Parameters to fit: μz+c & μz+b μz+c & μz+b in the range Cross section determination Z ⇾ ee In W+c there is no fit, Nfitted is Nsel - Nbkg 13
Results : Comparison with predictions
W+bb Primary contribution is g splitting
Physics Letters B 735: (2014) at √s = 7 TeV Primary contribution is g splitting W+bb production is a background in H+Z/W (H⇾ bb) The pT of the leading jet chosen as the fit variable because of its discrimination power against top The European Physical Journal C 77:92 (2017) Use W ⇾ μν μ(pT)>25 GeV & |η|<2.1, and 2 b-tagged jets (jets originated from b quarks) jet(pT)>25 GeV &|η|<2.4. Data is in agreement with MC and theory ATLAS W+b differs from predictions (difference larger in the production of events with a collinear bb pair reconstructed as 1 jet ) JHEP 06 (2013) 084 topology afflicted by significant theoretical uncertainties. 7 TeV To cross-check these results, an independent study is performed with looser b-tagging criteria, corresponding to an efficiency of 70% for selecting a jet containing b-flavored hadrons, while the misidentification probability for light-quark and gluon jets is 1% and for c-quark jets is 11%. SM Higgs boson production in association with an electroweak gauge boson and subsequent decay to bb 8 TeV In this analysis, CSV b-tagged jets are required to pass a threshold with an efficiency of 40% in the signal phase space and a misidentification probability of 0.1% (1%) for light charm jets Fit to mass of “top” ( lepton-W , b, bar “object” )
Z+bb Primary contribution:
JHEP 06 (2014) at √s = 7 TeV Primary contribution: Use Z ⇾ ll (ee or μμ) μ(pT)>20 GeV & |η|<2.4, 76 < Mll < 106 GeV and 1 or 2 b-tagged jets jet(pT)>25 GeV &|η|<2.1 & ΔR(l, j) > 0.5 Testing two different flavour schemes for the choice of initial-state partons. Cross sec. Measured MADGRAPH MCFM MADGRAPH (pb) (5F) (5F) (parton level) (4F) (4F) sZ+1b ± ± sZ+2b ± ± ± ± sZ+b ± ± sZb/Zj(%) ± ± Z+1b data favors five-flavour scheme(b massless).Z+2b favors 4FS . ~2σ data vs MCFM (parton-level) cross section difference specific to the modeling of the Z+b-jets final state. Cross section ratio points to source of difference MCFM data : modelling of Z+b jets final state CSV: The selection applied to the discriminating Background estimationvariable gives a b-tagging efficiency of about 50% and a misidentification probability of 0.1%for light jets and 1% for c jets
Z+bb To be published in EPJC at √s = 8 TeV 1 or 2 b-tagged jets Testing two different flavour schemes for the choice of initial-state partons. Testing two different flavour schemes for the choice of initial-state partons. Agreement with 5FS-based theoretical calculations.4FS pt
W+c W en or mn Identification of heavy flavor: μ in jet or D-hadron
The MCFM predictions for this process do not include contributions from gluon splitting into a cc pair Data and predictions agree->validation of strange PDFs First evidence for an asymmetry in the W++c and W−+c production. Validation of PDF : the fitted strange quark & anitquark parton distribution functions NNPDF2.3collNNLO set [50], which is based on high energy collider data only,and thus does not rely on the neutrino DIS charm information. In particular, it includes W andZ production data from ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb, and leads to a larger strangeness contentof the proton than that of global PDF sets. These four sets span a wide range of values for thestrange-quark PDF, and the strangeness content from other PDF analyses falls within this inter-val. NNPDF2.3 has the smallest strangeness, and NNPDF2.3collthe largest one The MCFM predictions for this process do not include contributions from gluon splitting into a cc pair, but only contributions where the strange (or the down) quark couples to the W boson
c participates in the hard interaction
(Z+c) Z+c c participates in the hard interaction μ,e(pT)>25 GeV & |η|<2.1, jet(pT)>25 GeV &|η|<2.5 Cross section ratio 19
Conclusions Evaluated W/Z + heavy hadron associated production, inclusive and differential (more in back-up) Agreement with predictions from MadGraph5 and Madgraph renormalized to a FEWZ calculation. There has been a lot of improvement in the last decades and there is more to come from both , theoretical and experimental results 20 The differential (Z + c) cross section measurement at high pZ could be slightly enhanced due to the existence of a charm component in the proton of nonperturbative origin. The most sensitive region, 60 GeV < pZ < 200 GeV, can be explained using PDFs that include only charm generated perturbatively. Future measurements with the new 13 TeV dataset at higher pZ > 200 GeV, where this enhancement is expected to be larger, should be able to exclude/confirm the existence of a intrinsic charm component inside the proton.
Back up
Differential cross sections vs pTZ(left) pTjet(right)
Intrinsic Charm-quark component inside the proton enhances σ(Z+c) @ ↑pt(Z) Bins pTZ[GeV] : 0-30, and Bins pTjet[GeV] : 25-40, and 22
Modeling for Z+c Templates after subtraction of remaining (little) background Agreement in general distributions (pTjet , NSV ) SV-mass W+c MC and Z+c MC agree SV-mass W+c MC and W+c data do not agree 23
Systematic uncertainties
PU : uncertainties in the evaluation of the pileup profile (assuming a different inelastic cross section ) PDFs (PDFNNPDF & PDFCT10) : reweighted DY MC according to the new PDF's : NNPDF23_nnlo & PDFCT10 Jet Energy scale and Resolution (JES & JER) : Change scale and resolution correction factors by their uncertainties Branching ratios of D⇾Xμ hadrons and fragmentation c⇾D (BRFRAG): We reweight the simulation to match the PDG on D-hadron channels. The syst comes from uncertainty on those reweighting factors For semileptonic channel the systematic comes from the difference between the BR from inclusive or exclusive individual contributions Missing-et : Misestimations on the Missing transverse energy: modify the missing E_t by 10% of the unclustered missing E_t. Cgluon-splitting, misestimation of the contribution to our background from gluon-splitting from charm : increase a factor 50 % the weight on events with 2c with ΔR (jet,c) < 0.5 Bgluon-splitting, increase 50% the weight on events with 2b w. ΔR(jet,b) < 0.5 c-(b-) tagging efficiency. Repit analysis with efficiency increased by its error Shape (semileptonic mode) : change Z+b template correction factor by its error Lepton efficiencies :change efficiencies by their errors Luminosity : 2.6 %
Preselection Preselection of Z ee and Z plus jets Z ee: Zμμ :
Dielectron trigger thres-hold of 17 and 8 GeV Electron Id Medium WP pT(e)> 20 GeV, |(e)| < 2.1 Isolated: Icomb/pT <0.15 Energy scale corrected MC corrected for differences in Electron Id and Iso efficiencies Zμμ : DiMuon trigger thres-hold of 17 and 8 GeV Tight selection pT(e)> 20 GeV, |(e)| < 2.1 Isolated: Icomb/pT <0.2 Momentum scale and resolution corrected (Rochester correction) MC corrected for differences in Muon Trigger, Id and Iso Jets: Jets anti-kT, R=0.5 JEC corrected, both in data and MC pT(jet) > 25 GeV, |(jet)| < 2.5
Previous measurements at hadron colliders:
- Z+c+X)/σ(ppbar-Z+b+X) and σ(ppbar-Z+c+X)/σ(ppbar-Z+jets+X), pT(jet) > 20 GeV 2) pT(D*) > 3 GeV [σ(ppbar-W+D*+X)/σ(ppbar-W+X) as well] Evidence and σ( pp-Z+D0+X) andσ( pp-Z+D+X) in the forward region
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