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Understanding each other

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1 Understanding each other
Module 6 Unit 3 Understanding each other Sheyang Senior High School Mao Bingbin

2 Teaching aims&demands
(1) Learn some information about the cultures of different countries . (2) Understand the main idea of the article and the use of the examples. (3) Learn to communicate cross-culturally.

3 Lead-in How do Chinese people greet each other in formal situations?

4 In China, how do we greet each other?
Nod head Say hello Shake hands Smile various ways of greeting Hug Wave Have you had dinner? Where are You going?

5 How do people in other countries greet each other?
South America Japan Middle East Thailand USA Netherlands


7 What about an Arab and a Japanese meeting for the first time?
???? What about an Arab and a Japanese meeting for the first time? They shake hands with each other, because this custom is widely accepted across the world.

8 cultural differences ???
Why do you think people in different countries greet each other in different ways? cultural differences

9 eating and clothes greeting ways Cultural differences festivals
wedding customs body language

10 Let’s experience some major cultural differences between the Chinese and the Westerners.

11 Opinion/意见

12 Way of Life/生活方式

13 Punctuality/准时

14 Queue when Waiting/排队

15 Sundays on the Road /周日的街景

16 In the restaurant/在餐厅

17 Travelling /旅游

18 Transportation /交通工具

19 Elder people ’s daily life/老人的日常生活

20 Fashion /时尚

21 The child/孩子

22 Cultural differences

23 Understanding the use of examples:
Prediction Reading strategy : Understanding the use of examples: * How will you make others clearly understand the culture of your country? To explain concepts and ideas To support arguments To be used as interesting stories Will you use examples?

24 Fast reading Three. They are Ma Li, Waled and Peter.
1. How many people are involved in this conversation? Who are they? Three. They are Ma Li, Waled and Peter. 2. Where does Peter come from? He comes from the UK. 3. What does Ma Li think about learning about cultural differences? Learning about cultural differences is a good way to understand more about each other.

25 Tick the examples mentioned in the conversation
1. Greeting ways 2. Receiving presents 3. Eye contact 4. Wedding ceremonies 5. Colors 6. Pointing gestures 7. Taking off shoes before entering a house 8. Bonfire Night

26 Detailed reading

27 as soon as they receive them
Topic 1: receiving presents (line5-15) presents open presents as soon as they receive them the UK the USA do the same If not, strange, rude to see the receiver’s reaction


29 Topic 2: wedding ceremonies
In Korea (19-22) rooster To _______ bad spirits ______ away drive To ______ good luck ensure hen Considered to be very lucky

30 Wedding in Brunei (line23-32)
Task Ⅰ The bridegroom and the bride should sit in __________ areas. People probably wouldn’t get much sleep if you _____ near ______ a wedding reception was being held, because they play _____ to celebrate the wedding for hours afterwards, sometimes even _____________ the night. separate lived where drums throughout

31 Task Ⅱ What is prohibited at wedding reception in Brunei?
food soft drinks × coffee alcohol tea

32 Topic 3: Pointing gesture (line35-38)
People in most countries point with their first finger. however in Brunei They use cause ________ offence thumb

33 Topic 4: other customs (line39-41)
In Brunei, another thing we should pay attention to is that we should take off our shoes before ______ someone’s house. entering

34 About Brunei Brunei is located in south-east Asia on the nothern coast of Borneo almost completely surrounded by Malaysia. It occupies a total area of 5,770 sq km of which 5,270 sq km is land. The country has a 381 km long land border and 161 km of coastline. 【国名】文莱达鲁萨兰国 ,马来语为国语,通用英语,华语使用较广泛。伊斯兰教为国教,位于加里曼丹岛北部 , 属热带雨林气候,终年炎热多雨。


36 Topic 5: Bonfire Night(Line46-53)
Date Events Typical food Popularity Nov. 5th gather around hold a party light a large fire set off fireworks hot dog In Britain Yes In America No

37 Consolidation rude reacts Culture Differences Country Culture The UK
◆It’s (1)________not to open a present when someone gives you one.They like to see how the person (2)________. ◆People celebrate Bonfire Night on November 5th every year. rude reacts

38 supposed ceremony ensure separate permitted throughout Country Culture
In Korea Roosters are (3)__________to drive bad spirits away from the wedding (4)__________while hens are thought to (5)________good luck for the marriage. In Brunei ◆At wedding receptions men and women sit in (6)_________areas.Alcohol are not (7)___________.They will play loud drums to celebrate the wedding for hours and even (8)_____________the night. ◆People use their thumb to point.If you use the first finger,it can cause offence. supposed ceremony ensure separate permitted throughout

39 √ Reading comprehension: 1.Which of the following is TRUE?
A. In Korea, hens are believed to be able to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony. B. People in Brunei always play loud drums throughout the night. C. In the UK, people take off their shoes before entering someone’s house. D. There can be cultural differences even between people who speak the same language.

40 √ 2. Where is Ma Li? A. In Brunei. B. In Japan. C. In America.
D. In the UK.

41 √ 3. From the text we can know________.
A. It is quiet when a wedding reception is being held in Brunei. B. It is legal to drink alcohol in Brunei. C. When in Brunei, remember to use your thumb to point. D. All Americans are aware of Bonfire Night.

42 Discussion: 1.Do you think it necessary or not to learn about cultural differences?Why? 2.Originally, Christmas Day was not celebrated by Chinese people. However, more and more Chinese young people are crazy about this festival and they spend a lot of time and money on it. Do you support this move? Why?

43 Benefits of learning cultural differences:
—to broaden our horizons; —to get a better understanding…; —to help strengthen relations with…; —to avoid unnecessary mistakes and embarrassment; —to communicate freely and effectively; —to be a polite person

44 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

45 Summary reactions ceremonies
Different ________ to the presents ceremonies the information Ma Li has collected from the following five aspects Different wedding ____________ pointing Different _______ gestures customs Different __________ festivals Different ________

46 Homework 1.Write a short composition about cultural differences based on the text. 2.Please search for more passages about cultural differences. 3.Review what we have leant today.

47 Good staying with you Thank you

48 Sharing time In India, it means ‘right’. In America, it means ‘ok’.
In France, it means ‘no money’. In Thailand, it means ‘no problem’ In Japan and Korea, it means ‘money’. In Brazil and Greece, it means ‘offense’.

49 Bonfire Night Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605, when Guy Fawkes(盖伊·福克斯), a member of the Gunpowder Plot(火药阴谋 ), was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed beneath the House of Lords(上议院). Celebrating the fact that King James I(詹姆士一世) had survived the attempt on his life, people lit bonfires around London. Since then, it has become a public day of thanksgiving for the plot's failure every year.

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