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2 Return to work services Immediate Intervention Model
Principles underpinning the Model Employer: Actevate acts as a facilitator for RTW clearance and commencement of suitable duties RTW Plan belongs to the Employer and Employee Trusts the employee as best judge of capacity Workplace based interventions Insurer: Add weight to Agent IMP (Eyes and Ears of Agent) Agent IMP has workplace based knowledge underpinning the agreement

3 Employer and Employee benefits of the Immediate Intervention RTW system
Nominated treating Doctor is engaged immediately Reduced lost time/ less absenteeism Employee trust- help is available when you need it Reduced claims cost RTW services are shorter in duration with far greater success Employer skills in managing workplace difficulties are enhanced by coaching and professional backup

4 Actevate’s 5 Step Immediate Intervention Model
Injury reporting/reporting of difficulty Internal assessment of the need for external RTW services (Immediate Intervention Service)

5 Step 2: Actevate’s involvement begins
Response within 24 hours Contact employer Clarify reason for referral Set goals, and agree on plan of action Contact employee Outline assistance available Obtain agreement to accompany worker to Doctor Arrange workplace assessment with employee and employer to plan return to work Meet Nominated Treating Doctor Obtain guidelines for RTW

6 Step 3: Workplace Negotiation/Assessment
Objective of Workplace meeting: Employee and Employer will develop an achievable, safe and durable return to work plan Review original duties Review other duties for suitability Confirm compliance with medical guidelines Ascertain employee concerns and resolve Obtain agreement and set return to work date Arrange plan for ongoing monitoring/mentoring Complete RTW Plan All sign agreement- copy to all participants Employee agrees to attend NTD to obtain RTW clearance certificate (may be accompanied) Information uploaded to agent to assist with IMP development

7 Step 4: Return to Work Employee commences return to work as per agreed plan The designated person must be mindful of: Prepare co-workers for the employees return Ensure any alterations to environment, equipment, tools etc. are in place before commencement Welcome employee Oversee commencement of agreed duties Reinforce monitoring arrangements and support available Meet, review and fine tune plan with employee daily Engage all parties in the most crucial part of RTW-the first 5 minutes

8 Step 5: Handover Progress is reviewed by Actevate with Employee and Employer
Progress not satisfactory or still some way to go before employee and employer are confident they can manage independently . Progress satisfactory- Expected outcomes have been achieved Actevate complete a Handover form with the employee and Employer advising of further recommendations and actions that may assist to continue progress and ensure durability of the RTW Modify program Review with all parties Implement modifications Provide ongoing monitoring and mentoring until….. Recommend ongoing services where required

9 The Difference between immediate intervention and traditional Case Management Services:
The Employee and Employer develop and practise a cooperative RTW model backed up by an experienced “RTW Coach”. Immediate supervisors learn the skills that will assist them to deal effectively with any future RTW issues Responsibility does not rest alone on the RTW Coordinator Immediate supervisor plays more active role Provider is a RTW Coach Many incidents/injuries can be addressed and resolved before an injury report becomes a complex claim

10 The Key to success: Employer’s ability to meet the Worker’s perceived needs
Employers want to talk about liability blame circumstances of injury, impact on their business etc. Employers need to understand that these things are only of relevance in determining the claim. They have no place in return to work discussions. The biggest determinant of RTW timing is the worker’s perception of their level of support in the workplace:- supervisor, co-workers, management. Secondly, their perception about whether they can manage the proposed duties Actevate Early Intervention Model coaches employers in the “bite your tongue approach to negotiation of duties” Workplace Assessment forms part of IMP for agent. IMP more robust document. We ask the person what they think they can do as an initial RTW activity and TRY to make this possible. Modify anything, build in rest breaks – whatever it takes! Once a worker is back at work peer pressure, workplace momentum etc. impacts on making it easier to increase demands. We train employers to get them in the door and keep them there by accommodating their needs addressing their concerns and reviewing progress at the end of every work session (Note monitoring form). With this level of support, if a worker cannot progress then the need for alternative action is clear. Does this case need a claims management approach? Is RTW to original employer the most appropriate, cost effective and durable solution for this worker or should redeployment be considered? If this is the case, Early intervention will have enabled this choice to be clearer earlier before claim costs have been wasted for 12 months or more pursuing an inappropriate goal


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