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Early Childhood Education

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1 Early Childhood Education
Creative Art Media Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

2 Bellwork What does it mean to be creative? Think-Pair-Share
Write down your answer on a sticky note or piece of paper. Share your response with a partner. Be prepared to share with class. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

3 Objectives Define terminology
Describe how to encourage creative expression in young children. List the different strands of the AZ Early Learning Standards. Identify various forms of art media. Evaluate various art tools. Provide examples of creative expression activities. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

4 Terminology Creativity: The process of forming original ideas through exploration and discovery Fine Arts: The AZ Early Learning Standards organize the Fine Arts into three strands: Visual Arts, Music and Creative Movement, Drama Visual Art: Art creations we can look at, such as a drawing or a painting. Art Media: Media can be any means or materials used to express or communicate an idea or thought. Art Tools: Implements, instruments or utensils, that are used to cut, dig, pound, rub, paint, write or create works of expression. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

5 Encouraging Creative Art Expression
Offer children independent, spontaneous art explorations Create an art center that invites children to freely explore a variety of easily accessible materials Emphasize the process of creating art rather the end product Encourage new ways of doing things Show appreciation of child’s creativity by displaying art work at child’s level Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

6 Common Art Center Materials
Crayons Paint Books Cars Blocks Brushes Easel Baby dolls Markers Paper Scissors Legos Pretend food Glue Puppets Color pencils Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

7 Arizona Early Learning Standards - Fine Arts
The Arizona Early Learning Fine Arts Standard has 3 Strands. This lesson will focus on Strand 1. Strand 1: Visual Arts Examples: Drawing, painting, sculpting, printmaking and collage. Stand 2: Music and Creative Movement Examples: Singing, dancing, making and moving to sounds and rhythms Strand 3: Dramatic Play Examples: Acting out actions by themselves or with others using props and toys Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

8 Arizona Early Learning Standards - Fine Arts Sort
Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

9 Forms of Art Media (Visual Art)
Painting Printing Drawing Photography Sculpture Installation Metal Wood Crafts Collage Mosaic This is not an exhaustive list! Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

10 Early Childhood Art Tools
Common Tools Brushes Crayons Markers Easel Stamps Sponges Fingers  Uncommon Tools Plungers Golf balls Toothbrushes Feathers Spray bottles Balloons Pipettes Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

11 Examples of Creative Expression Activities
Students explore several teacher provided uncommon art tools and media. Then evaluate at least 5 tools/media creative art activities. Record on note-taker. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

12 Closure 12-Word Summary:
In 12 words or less, summarize the most important aspects about evaluating creative expression. Be prepared to share with class. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

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